I've spoken with a number of JW's in the past who have told me that they believe the H. Spirit only indwells the 144,000 (obviously contradicted by Romans 8:8-9). However, the JW I am presently trying to convert caught me a little off guard by telling me he was unaware of this doctrine (he's been a JW for 40-years) and that he understood it to be that all believers are indwelt by the H. Spirit. Is he simply misinformed about his own organisations teachings here? Does anyone know what the official Watchtower position is on this issue?
Who does the H. Spirit indwell according to the Watchtower?
by james46888 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
The Holy Spirit is also known as the "Spirit of Truth" and is interchangeable with that title.
Those who Stand in Truth have the Holy Spirit.
Those who know the Truth but do not Stand according to their conscience, may have the indwelling, but like the 5 virgins that get left behind....it takes both knowing and action or it's not complete.
The society teaches that ONLY the 144,000 are anointed with Holy Spirit or indwelt in them. The other sheep are "led by Holy Spirit." There was a recent WT on the HS and it was very elitist when it came to HS and the 144,000. Problem is that most in the org don't really understand the difference and all believe they have HS.
Hadit: " There was a recent WT on the HS and it was very elitist when it came to HS and the 144,000."
Do you have a link to the article? I would be interested in seeing what sort of twisted way WT presented that.
I recall reading the Watchtower mag not long ago re the above.
I'm sure I read that the 'other sheep' earthly class have as much holy spirit as the heavenly group. The difference seems to be, as Hadit said, only being 'led'.
If someone could locate the article on their WT cd maybe?...it would clear the mud.
Check out the 1995 Wt. May 15th issue.
Here is a link to what you might need re your JW friend. http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/friends/197519/1/Watchtower-says-Anointed-DO-NOT-have-MORE-Bible-Understanding
Posted under Friends 8/15/10.
The Watchtower, March 15th, 1991, Page 22:
In the first century C.E., when a general invitation was going out to seek entrance into the heavenly Kingdom, not all anointed Christians held positions of responsibility as members of the governing body or as elders or ministerial servants. Many were women, and they had no special authority;
This is the biggest pile of horseshit I have ever read. Where is their history of the Watchtower lineage to prove these words that there was the existence of a WT governing body in the first century? Unless they are referring to something that they have not yet revealed. Perhaps their GB stems from Rome and the Papacy? Or perhaps from the Knights Templar?
And are they alluding to the notion that the WT sent out this "general invitation" to enter heaven? And many of the annointed were women? If so, how did their views of women change so drastically over the years?
The Watchtower, March 15th, 1991, Page 22:
Those with the heavenly calling do not view themselves as prominent individuals, and they do not draw attention to their being anointed ones. Rather, they manifest the humility rightly expected of those having “the mind of Christ.”
Professing to have a heavenly calling does not bring a person special revelations.
Well, if that is true it looks like a couple of the professed annointeds on this board just got knocked out of the running!
The March 15, 2010 study edition has some points about HS, but I'm not sure this is the one I was thinking about. I will have a look around tomorrow. Here are a couple quotes:
Baptized in the Name of Who and What?
Pg 14/par 16: Similarly, one who is baptized in the name of the holy spirit recognizes that the holy spirit is not a person, but Jehovah's active force. And such baptism means that one acknowledges the role the holy spirit plays in God's purpose.
Par 18: Our having been baptized in the name of the holy spirit involves recognizing its role in our life and gratefully cooperating with that spirit.
Walk By Spirit and Live Up To Your Dedication - Starting at pg 14
Par 2: However, is there any difference between being baptized with holy spirit and being baptized in the name of the holy spirit? Yes. Those who are baptized with holy spirit are born again as spirit-begotten sons of God. They are anointed . . . part of the spiritual body of Christ.
Par 10: Walking by spirit includes responding to the invitation we read at Rev 22:17 "The spirit and the bride keep on saying: 'Come!' And let anyone . . ." The spirit, working through the anointed bride class, is extending this invitation regarding life's water.
Par 12: Jehovah guides the anointed by holy spirit. And the spirit motivates brothers and sisters . . .
Par 13: You can submit to the direction of holy spirit by applying the information provided for God's people.
Par 17: Through God's Word and his spirit-directed organization, holy spirit will move you in the right direction.
The way they write is so deceptive. When does anyone get baptized in the name of the holy spirit? The questions changed in 1985 from baptism in holy spirit to recognizing that we belong to God's spirit directed organization.
So the other sheep are NOT baptized WITH holy spirit they are baptized IN THE NAME of the holy spirit (which is false anyways!). In other words: We walk by it, we submit to it, we acknowledge its role, we gratefully cooperate with it, we respond to it, we are moved by it but we don’t have it IN US and because we are not baptized WITH it.
Twisted! Clear as mud?
Baptized in the Name of Who and What?
Pg 14/par 16: Similarly, one who is baptized in the name of the holy spirit recognizes that the holy spirit is not a person, but Jehovah's active force.
So, according to the Watch Tower, what IS the NAME of the holy spirit? Jahchque Misheuewah?