What happens to your records if you disappear?

by AwSnap 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • AwSnap

    Well, I was reproved when I was 17...so I guess I had a committe. Dont remember much about it other than being told that 'I wouldve been stoned to death in the old days' so I should be grateful for the public humiliation announcement instead. THAT is when my fade began...almost 15 years ago. So dont worry about it you say? Yeah, well, THEN I went and married a jw and we're going through his fade and an elder told ME that if I celebrate holidays openly (which I do but havent been 'caught') then 'action' will need to be taken.

    I wonder if they'll go through all the trouble to find the congregation, or get them from Bethel.

  • lisavegas420

    So I can write the tower and find out if I'm disfellowshipped? Huh..my dad told me if I wanted to know I should have went to the JC meeting. I blew it off. It's been years I just wondered where I stood in their records.


  • Mall Cop
    Mall Cop

    When I served as an Elder, I was assigned to destroy the records of anyone who no longer attended back 7 years. i.e. Today that would mean from 2003 and back. Clear them out.

    They were to keep only those from 7years ago to current and try to restore them back into the fold. Whose policy was this? I don't know, the Circuit Overseer approved this at the time.

    What the policy is now I don't know. However, whether or not this is done on a local level, as Farkel said, Bethel has a huge file on everyone.

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