I did keep the boxes they were in, though. I have a use for them.
I also tossed all my outlines, kms, letters, etc.
by gubberningbody 19 Replies latest jw friends
I did keep the boxes they were in, though. I have a use for them.
I also tossed all my outlines, kms, letters, etc.
what? You could have sold them on E bay!
I shed all my printed WT baggage years ago and burned my committee notes. Never felt better than to be unburdened from the trappings of the cult.
I didn't want the hassle. Besides, it would have been a violation of the principle found in the Mosaic Law at Exodus 21: 33 -34:
“And in case a man should open a pit, or in case a man should excavate a pit and should not cover it, and a bull or an ass does fall into it, 34 the owner of the pit is to make compensation."
The potential for others becoming damaged by reading this caca, is great. Besides, caca, ought to be covered so as to not allow the spread of contagion.
"The potential for others becoming damaged by reading this caca, is great."
I doubt it, any body reading that crap today would laugh their ass off,
why, because half of what they wrote back then, they don't believe in it themselves anymore.
the WTS is more than glad you got rid of it , so they can deny they ever
said those things. Those old books are so embarassing to them they would
rather have you destroy them.
Good Gawd, man. You need a permit to get rid of toxic waste! The EPA will be all over your ass!
should've had a party ... congrats
i'm glad you took the necessary steps to expel this poison from your life,
it is a step in the right direction for your own personal journey onward, but
do you think we would have the credibility that we have today if everyone
destroyed all the falsehoods and fallacies printed by this organization. do
you honestly think that the WTS would own up to these things if there was
no proof. Is destroying them the only way to prevent someone else from falling into this pit.
Remember when in the WTBTS they told us about taking part in cleansing the earth in the "new system of things" after the great tribulation and Armageddon that is coming very soon? (any day now, just around the corner YEARS ago)
Well you can look at it like this. You just got a earlier start on cleaning up the garbage in this system.
Why put off till next system of things, what you can do in this system?
Your fellow human being and citizen on this mudball planet we call Earth.