Did anybody notice the paragraph in today's study edition that pretty much said that "violent video games and movies are training people to be violent towards each other during the Great Tribulation".
I really had to do my best to not laugh when I read this. I don't know if any of you watch Penn & Teller's show. They did a show on violent video games and their effect. They interviewed a young kid (in the 9 year old area) who plays a lot of violent video games. So they wanted to see how the video games trained him to be violent. They took him out on a shooting range. The kid took one shot and didn't want to shoot anymore. He even started crying. Yup, those video games sure bring out the killer in people.
Also another paragraph went as far as to say that "if you aren't in the organization, that means you are automatically prideful and selfish". Yes because everyone in the world is prideful and selfish. Why should we question that statement?
Then of course you have the magazine telling you to avoid internet sites. Here's my question, if it is so obviously the Truth, why are people so easily persuaded against it, by visiting websites? If something is the truth, it should be extremely difficult to dissuade anyone of it.
I don't know, these were just some observations that I had.