I've often wondered how Witnesses seem to do well with Christ's 2nd commandment with fellow witnesses and not all their neighbors. Is this just another effect of their teachings? Do they translate this scripture differently in their bible?
Love your neighbor
by ex-chum 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
"Love your neighbor" in the Witness framework means preaching to them. What stronger love is there in trying to save ones life?
(problem is they have never effectively demonstrated that they actually are saving lives.)
As with everything else, "love" to a JW means whatever the Watchtower says it means.
To a JW, completely shunning a friend or family member who was disfellowshipped or who left the religion voluntarily is an act of love because it's supposed to drive them back into the "truth" and keep the rest of the congregation pure.
I knew a disfellowshipped teenage girl who was nearly suicidal because her father wouldn't have anything to do with her. I told him how concerned I was about her and he said, "She knows what she needs to do." (i.e. repent and get reinstated into the WTS). Because of Watchtower indoctrination, he really thought he was doing the most loving thing possible! Fortunately, some ex-JWs took her in and showed her true Christian love.
As far as how JWs treat people who've never been JWs, it's virtually impossible for a non-JW to develop a true friendship with a JW without becoming a JW himself/herself. Non-JWs who aren't on a path to conversion are to be kept at arm's length as "worldly," lest they corrupt the JW.
Doubtfully Yours
Galatians 6:10 "Really, then, as long as we have time favorable for it, let us work what is good toward all, but especially toward those related to [us] in the faith."
Our love for our neighbors is shown in many ways, especially in the preaching work. But our message is neither popular nor is it accepted, our lifestyle is very uncommon, and this creates division. Since there isn't much in common in our way of living compared to the masses, then there'll always be the perception that we don't care for our fellow man, when in fact we do care; we just won't put our beliefs aside to appear amicable.
Jesus Christ too was accused of all sorts of things that were not true.
"OUR love for our neighbors is shown in many ways, especially in the preaching work. But OUR message is neither popular nor is it accepted, OUR lifestyle is very uncommon, and this creates division. Since there isn't much in common in OUR way of living compared to the masses, then there'll always be the perception that WE don't care for our fellow man, when in fact WE do care; WE just won't put our beliefs aside to appear amicable. "
OUR and WE.
You make it sound like JW's are all exactly the same.
I can tell you from first hand experience that this is not the case.
The JW's that I know all have the same shortcomings as the rest of us.
It's just hidden behind a very thin, false veneer. That veneer is all the same, not the people.
I think you need to get a grip on reality. You've been reading to many WTS publications. That stuff will rot your brain. NOT A JOKE!!!!
BTW "Galatians 6:10 "Really, then, as long as we have time favorable for it, let us work what is good toward all, but especially toward those related to [us] in the faith.""
Why can't you see that "in the faith" would INCLUDE ALL who profess faith in God and Christ? But JW's don't play it that way, do they?
Most of the perceived 'enemies' of the WTS and JW's profess faith, but are not treated as being "related".
That's not very nice of you. :-(
Most Christian churches have or support outreach programs like homes for children and food banks.
The WTS does none of this.
BTW Reading your Bio, I will assume you were just stating the JW's position, not your own.
My mother in law is 84 and no longer attends meetings but does make it to the memorial. She also began to voice her objections to some of the JW rules and at first the brothers and sisters would still stop by and bring the magazines and when she was to direct about a particular article the friends had the elders call on her. She plainly stated that she did not believe that God only spoke to only JWs. Slowly they stopped coming by as much to visit, then her vision got worse, now she cant read, so that couple 'stopped bring their magazines. Gradually only a couple call her once in a blue moon. Oh also she had never driven, so getting to the meetings was always provided by a "good friend sister" but now you sure can't find a JW calling on her to offering to take her to town or the doctor. That good friend sister is no longer coming by or offering her help, she has moved on to someone else I guess, who is still willing to come to the meetings regarless of how old and difficult it is. She had once suggested they could set up a place for her to lay down but it was so important that she continued to make the meetings, my mother in law so No she wasn't able to do that and that was that.
The people who help her the most are her "neighbors" you know those "wordly people". One brings her mail everyday and places on a table next to her door, pulls her garbage can to the road for garbage pick up and puts it back later, who clears the long driveway of snow every winter, who moves her large lawn as a rate lower than she could find anywhere else. The other neighbor on the otherside of her takes her shopping, has taken her to the doctor when she couldn't find a ride, brings her fresh vegetables from her gardenall summer long, again placed on the table by the door. When she has time she drops in for a cup of coffee and conversation. The couple across the road and down the long country driveway, helps when she needs a light bulb changed, or when the faucet broke, or when she fell and had to press the emergency necklace, they are all on the list. Now not one of these people pushed their religion on her or their beliefs, they are just there being good neighbors and friends over the years. I can't begin to tell you how it helps us when we live over 3000 miles away to know that she truly has neighbors that love her, they practice "love your neighbor" from the heart and not the Watchtower.
Sorry for the long post but this is not an isolated incident, I have heard over and over from others once they are "in the world" first shock is learning how truly wonderful and giving people are, you know those non True Christians that Jehovah is going to make toast just because they go to a church, or a park, or in their home to worship him in a way they believe is acceptable to give him praise.
Yes, I always thought this was a cop out that Witnesses had to change, even when I was one, for when Jesus gives the illustration of what it means to love one’s neighbor in the parable of the Good Samaritan, the individual he helps is not preached to. Instead the Samaritan provides medicinal and physical care to him.
Some might object and say that Jesus was merely highlighting “who” should be considered one’s neighbor, but that in itself centers around what type of actions the Samaritan employed towards the poor man, actions that proved the Samaritan was making himself a true neighbor to the man in need.
Also the narrative of the rich man who has been obedient to the Mosaic Law and wanted to go even further in serving God was told by Jesus that if he wanted to be “perfect” in this love for God that he had to sell all his material possessions and distribute them to the poor and then follow Christ, again after he had been made “perfect” by caring for the practical needs of those who were in want.
Besides, the word for “love” in these instances speaking of loving one’s neighbor is “agape,” which is actually not the word “love” in English, but the word “charity” which means to demonstrate love to others out of a devotion to justice. That is why we call non-profit organizations who serve the practical needs of others “charities” because they exemplify this love for neighbor commanded by Christ.
You can’t call the religion of Jehovah’s Witness a charity because it doesn’t act like one.
Our love for our neighbors is shown in many ways, especially in the preaching work.
Greetings, dear Doubtfully Yours, and may you have peace! I am sorry, but I have to shake my head in sadness at your very canned response. I know that it is not one that originated from your own heart... without having been planted there by others... because I used to use the same statement. And it not false. However, while it is true that telling others of Christ is an important work, you seem to be missing the entire POINT of love (and I once did, too!) and so I am directed by my Lord to share the following verses with you so that perhaps, since you may not hear him... you may hear the words set forth in them:
"... wanting to prove himself righteous, the man said to [Jesus]: “Who really is my neighbor?” In reply [Jesus] said: “A certain man was going down from Jerusalem to Jer´i·cho and fell among robbers, who both stripped him and inflicted blows, and went off, leaving him half-dead. Now, by coincidence, a certain priest was going down over that road, but, when he saw him, he went by on the opposite side.Likewise, a Levite also, when he got down to the place and saw him, went by on the opposite side. But a certain Sa·mar´i·tan traveling the road came upon him and, at seeing him, he was moved with pity.So he approached him and bound up his wounds, pouring oil and wine upon them. Then he mounted him upon his own beast and brought him to an inn and took care of him. And the next day he took out two de·nar´i·i, gave them to the innkeeper, and said, ‘Take care of him, and whatever you spend besides this, I will repay you when I come back here.’Who of these three seems to you to have made himself neighbor to the man that fell among the robbers?” He said: “The one that acted mercifullytoward him.” [Jesus] then said to him: “Go your way and be doing the same yourself.”
"... learn what this means, ‘I want mercy, and not sacrifice.’"
"Happy are the merciful, since they will be shown mercy.
LOVE... dear one... is borne OUT... in mercy. It is made MANIFEST... in mercy. It is the very thing that God gave US... when He gave His Son: MERCY, by way of forgivness for our sins. Did He show His love simply by sending His Son to us with a message about the kingdom? No, of course not - He went MUCH further than that, didn't He, by allowing that Son to give his life... for us. You and me. Even before we came into this world, even before we knew of that love. He FORE-gave us... meaning, even before we had sinned. Why? Because... the Most Holy One of Israel is MERCIFUL... and ABUNDANT in loving kindness. And, in imitation of the loving kindness... His Son showed that HE had the greatest love... not only for those who loved HIM... but even for his enemies. Seeing that he left a pattern for US to follow... is there ANYTHING we should not do... in the manner of showing love... even for our enemies? True, giving them a magazine every now and then might be a demonstration of love. But... if he's hungry... he can't eat a magazine. If he's homeless, a magazine can't shelter him. If he's naked, a magazine can't clothe him. Nor can words.
Now, since you are defending the WTBTS' position on this (in spite of the TRUTH that there really is no such defense), I understand that you most probably WON'T hear the Christ speaking to YOU as to these things. But that's okay, truly, as perhaps someone else reading will... and get the SENSE of it, if they have not already. But I am directed by the Holy Spirit, my Lord, the Holy One of Israel, JAHESHUA MISCAJAH... the One who came "in the name of Jah," to share this last one thought with you:
“Call out full-throated; do not hold back. Raise your voice just like a horn, and tell my people their revolt, and the house of Jacob their sins.Yet day after day it was I whom they kept seeking, and it was in the knowledge of my ways that they would express delight, like a nation that carried on righteousness itself and that had not left the very justice of their God, in that they kept asking me for righteous judgments, drawing near to God in whom they had delight, ‘For what reason did we fast and you did not see, and did we afflict our soul and you would take no note?’“Indeed YOU people were finding delight in the very day of YOUR fasting, when there were all YOUR toilers that YOU kept driving to work.Indeed for quarreling and struggle YOU would fast, and for striking with the fist of wickedness. Did YOU not keep fasting as in the day for making YOUR voice to be heard in the height?Should the fast that I choose become like this, as a day for earthling man to afflict his soul? For bowing down his head just like a rush, and that he should spread out mere sackcloth and ashes as his couch? Is it this that you call a fast and a day acceptable to Jehovah? “Is not this the fast that I choose? To loosen the fetters of wickedness, to release the bands of the yoke bar, and to send away the crushed ones free, and that YOU people should tear in two every yoke bar?Is it not the dividing of your bread out to the hungry one, and that you should bring the afflicted, homeless people into your house? That, in case you should see someone naked, you must cover him, and that you should not hide yourself from your own flesh?" Isaiah 58:1-7
May you be granted ears to hear... and get the SENSE of these truths.
I bid you peace... and ears to hear... as to THIS matter as well as when the Spirit and the Bride say to YOU:
"Come! Take 'life's water'... the holy spirit of God, which spirit is poured out from the innermost parts of His Son and Christ, the Holy One of Israel and Holy Spirit, my Lord and King... JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH... and which spirit is given to ANY who ask... free!"
A slave of Christ,
You simply must call me.
The main problem for a JW with loving their "worldly" neighbors is that no one in the congregation would know about it unless they broadcasted it. And then, that would only be acceptable for a relatively short period of time unless they started a Bible study. Otherwise, it becomes a matter of being "unevenly yoked with sinners".