Youths and Young Adults Missing in my Congregation

by ruruj 28 Replies latest jw experiences

  • ruruj

    There were a handful of youths in my congregation. All were vibrant and zealous members. Some conducted Bible studies, some were dedicated and quite enthusiastic in the "truth".

    After a decade, none of these original youths and young adults are present in my congregation.

    I don't know the real reason why they left, but I suspect some factors would be the following:
    - disfellowshipping of some adult members
    - they were shunned for questioning their beliefs
    - they were pressured to serve Watchtower, instead of choosing college and a better life

    Did you have similar experiences on this subject?

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    For one thing, after a decade, youths are no longer as young.

    Or did you bury them under your front porch?

  • DaCheech

    it's an epidemic, and the WT is gonna get hit hard by it

  • NiceDream

    Of the 15 youth in my hall growing up, 5 are left. Most left after they graduated, and me and another left before we were almost 30.

  • flipper

    Good thread. Of my 8 nieces and nephews( including my young adult children) all aged 22 to 36 - only 4 are still attending meetings. The other 4 have been inactive and stopped being witnesses for quite some time now. They say that 66 % or two-thirds of people aged 18-35 who were raised witnesses end up leaving. Just too rigid of a way of life and too unjust

  • SacrificialLoon

    Youths..... it's almost like one of those special language words. I rarely if ever hear that to refer to children outside of the organization.

  • loosie

    the 16 yr old jw kid I work with is on his way out. He plans on getting baptized this november so everyone will get off his back. but he drinks and sells pot and I suspect some other kinds of drugs. He is dating a girl in another cong. I asked him how long is she goign to be a jw now that you are dating her... he just laughed and said be nice.

    He is on the way out he just doesn't know it yet.

  • geevee

    In your teens you question and challenge the "boundries". They chose not to live that way. Cheers to them I say. I wish that I had challenged and questioned way more in my youth then got the f#@* out of there instead of wasting my "youth" on them!

  • fieldgoal

    I am happy to report that when I go to a meeting there are no youths to carry the mics and usually the elders split mic duty. They can't do a whole meeting.

  • ruruj

    Like fieldgoal I saw a point in time after the youths and young adults evacuated when the seniors & elders were carrying the mics.

    Now I see new kids at least 10 years old carry the mics.

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