Pastor to burn Koran

by beksbks 265 Replies latest social current

  • undercover
    Nevertheless, he said "we have firmly made up our mind" to go ahead with burning the Muslim holy book.
    "I mean, how long, when does America stand for truth?" he said.

    What the fuck does burning a book...any book...have to do with standing up for truth? And what fucking truth are you talking about? The truth that you're a fucking moron and complete dipshit?

    I need a drink...I can't take this shit much more...

  • hamsterbait

    Undercover - don't drink and post. The swearing quotient just goes up, and scares off people who might benefit from this board.


  • BizzyBee

    The Muslim-haters have sunk to the level of the terrorists.

  • undercover

    I'll try my furry little rodent friend...

    But personally I feel that there are times that we need "swear" words to convey the anger and disgust that we feel... and this was one of those times...

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    I agree with BTS and see this as really the same issue as the Ground Zero Mosque. It's protected free speech under the First Amendment but not wise.

    Doesn't this guy claim to be a Christian? To use a fundie expression, what would Jesus do? Seriously

  • B-Rock

    The Muslim-haters have sunk to the level of the terrorists.

    Yeah. Burning books=murdering children and suicide bombing.


    From youtbe:

    Okays, so I finally had enough of the empty criticism.

    "Intolerant hateful bigot" etc IS NOT an argument.

    Nor is it a convincing response to an argument.

    And if you accepted these arguments over 2 years ago as being fine, why are the arguments seen in a different light now?

    Indeed given that one of the central themes of this channel has been highlighting the crazy and funny side of religion, ALL religions, why is it only with Islam that people raise an eyebrow or try to defend it with these vacuous arguments.

    I mean....
    I've laid into creationists..... not a peep,
    I've laid into scientologist.... not a peep,
    I've laid into christianity.... not a peep,
    I've laid into catholicism.... not a peep,
    and I give Islam the self same treatment and a load of people melt down.

    I mean really, what's going on here? Whats driving this phenomena?

  • journey-on

    If our soldiers weren't fighting a war in a predominately Islamic country and their lives weren't at risk, I would say "go ahead, if that is the method you choose to make a statement. You have that right."

    Whatever happened to using know, the spirit of a sound mind! Sheesh! Just because you have the right doesn't make it "right".

    (I don't like book burning of any kind....even the Watchtower's writings.)

  • BizzyBee

    Sorry B-R, I forgot that subtleties of reasoning are beyond your grasp.

    No, burning a book does not equate to killing 3,000 people. But the motivation - being so eaten up with impotent rage that it doesn't matter who gets hurt and punishing the innocent for the acts of a few - is the same.

  • JWoods

    MSN is now saying that the church is "praying" about whether or not to burn the Korans after all.

    Wonder if the Taliban prayed much about blowing up those 1,000 year old statues of the Budda?

  • B-Rock

    Try to be a Christian or a Jew and visit Saudi Arabia with your own personal holey book.

    I'll bet if you walked in with anything by Darwin Dennet Hitchens or Dawkins for your personal use would get you confiscated pretty damned quick.

    Wheres the lefty outrage? Double standards. One way street.

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