all nice recomendations.. the belvidere was smooth as glass!!! the goose is always nice as well... so what is the highest quality vodka you can buy..? i'm thinking goose or bel is the best I can personally find but i'm always looking
so, personally, what brand of "wodka" do you think is best..
by elderelite 20 Replies latest jw experiences
I really like Van Gogh Double Expresso vodka. It's great mixed with Godiva liquor and Baileys. I'm sure that's just what you're looking for. Haha!
A few years ago an independent tasting of something like 40 vodkas placed Grey Goose #1. But the same sampling had Fleischmans in the top five. Grey Goose cost about 2.5 times what Fleischmans cost.
Here is an interesting question - Out of, say ten times you consume a shot of vodka do you drink it straight or with plain water or soda? I think the majority use it with a mixer. Just my hunch, I don't drink.*
Out of, say ten times you consume a shot of vodka do you drink it straight or with plain water or soda? I think the majority use it with a mixer. Just my hunch, I don't drink.*
Out of ten times, I'd say that 7 of them are martinis. The rest are an assortment of mixed drinks.
If I'm making a mixed drink, like vodka/tonic or screwdriver then any ole well brand will do. But it I'm making a vodka martini - dry, then it has to be top shelf, preferably with blue cheese olives...
I don't drink*
Is that asterik the forum symbol for fingers crossed as you say that? bwahahaha
I use vodka to mix, although i am a whiskey and scotch fan. I never really tried vodka alone, is it really good that way? I like a good smooth taste, and I don't drink beer at all(Please don't hate me!) I just never developed a taste for beer. So honestly if I were to try vodka straight up, what should I try?
undercover, when you say a 'dry' martini I assume you mean you add very little vermouth? Blue cheese olives, yummy. Also jalapeno and garlic stuffed.
PS. * - A bare faced lie.
My first vodka was a Stoli and it will always be my frist choice.
As for how I take it:
Open mind
I liked Stoli from the freezer for a long time. Then a fellow JW turned me onto the best value vodka I've ever tried.
According to Wikipedia it has scored very well in competitions and compares to Stoli.
It is dirt cheap if you have a Trader Joe's in your neck of the woods.
One liter is $9.99.
I'm more into wine these days though.
In Ontario Canada where Ilive, all alchool is controled by the goverment, the LCBO, and virtually all vodka is more or less the smae in terms of lowest prices.
So honestly if I were to try vodka straight up, what should I try?
Straight up I started with Grey Goose - to get the taste for it. Grey Goose is very smooth. It's also quite expensive, so once you have a taste, you might try a few other brands that are more 'affordable' and decide which ones you like. Skyy isn't as smooth as Grey Goose, and is still a little on the pricey side, but I like it's taste and the fact that it's made in the US. I've tried a few others including Ketel One, but personally just landed on Skyy.
I usually have a glass of water along with the vodka when I'm drinking - I find by 'tasting' the vodka, then taking a sip of water to wash it down with, it's more pleasent. Without the water there is an aftertaste with every vodka I've tried that I don't care for as much. (Something to do with the tastebuds near the back of the tongue perhaps?)
- Lime