New article on Bulgaria and Blood Transfusions

by jwfacts 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Essan

    My guess, DH, is that the Bulgarian Government wouldn't care as long as they believe the WTBTS was willing to compromise, which they apparently are. They don't care what they used to do or still do in other countries.

    However, if the WTBTS said there were no sanctions around the blood issue and it can be demonstrated that there still are, in Bulgaria, then they would care. Is that what you meant?

    Do you think the Society is stupid enough to do that? I hope so. In which case we should all start sending letters to the Bulgarian government :)

  • snowbird
    "We have already seen that the terms of the agreement let to a doctrinal changed to allow Witnesses the right to engage in civilian military service."

    Should be "led to a doctrinal change" ...

    Otherwise, great job!


  • dozy

    Excellent article and a useful addition to an excellent website.

    The only cricism I would make is the direct link you make between the WTS accepting alternative service and this being directly because of the Bulgarian governments sanctions. Although I agree the time line would indicate this , we don't know for sure of any causal link. Bear in mind that Franz details a series of knife-edge GB votes on this issue during the late 1970's , when the majority were in favour of allowing JWs to undertake alternative service. It may well have been that the Bulgarian situation finally prompted the WTS to change its' policy , but in the interests of 100% accuracy I wouldn't state categorically that this change was precipitated by the Bulgarian situation.

    Just my 2p / 2c.

  • TD

    Great job! Very complete

  • Yan Bibiyan
    Yan Bibiyan

    Excellent work, jwfacts!

    One note. As a native of Bulgaria, frankly I am shocked that the issue was even discussed or made such of a big issue in a first place. At the time, the Bulgarian government was comprised of former communist forces and parties and the country was in an economic turmoil. The government had way bigger headaches to deal with than the registration of some 2,000 local member religious organization.

    Knowing the nature of the beast, I would not be surprised if there were hefty green handshakes in the process to soften the, then practically communist, officials' stance...


  • yesidid

    Thanks Paul.

    Great job..................................................................again.


  • jwfacts

    Thanks again. Yan it is great to hear from the perspective of a Bulgarian.

    Dozy, you make a good point and I will look at presenting the topic more as an interesting coincidence.

  • poopsiecakes

    Paul, you totally rock my socks.

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