Heaven- you blame this "destruction" on OTHERS?
The NEXT time we come to your door, ASK....
by theMadJW 80 Replies latest jw friends
MadJW you said "ALL Christians that are faithful and discreet are who Jesus was referring to; EVERY Christian "feeds" and serves others."
You CANNOT believe that and be a JW. So you profess to be of the annointed? You're sounding very fishy now-a-days MadJW. Maybe I'm just feeding the troll...but who are you?
Are you baptized? MS? Elder? Unbaptized publisher? I'm honestly curioius MadJW...
MadDog, firstly they will say "yes" and secondly they do lie , only last week 2 of the "peddlers of doom" lied bare faced to my very face, one of the simplest ways to stump these bastards is when they start with the usual " have you seen the news lately bullshit?" I respond with the "yes I have seen another JW paedophile hauled before a court convicted of raping children" that usually kicks in another response of lies from your bastard lying brethren.
BD- I am no elder, or ms- just a baptized brother - for over 35 years. THUS, I have SEEN the changes that disturb me.
Jook- EVERY group has molesters & pretenders- so get of your High Horse.
Heaven- you blame this "destruction" on OTHERS?
Not OTHERS generic but specifically the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society and all of their self-righteous "we're-right-and-you're-wrong-and-going-to-die-at-Armageddon" BS.
Jook- EVERY group has molesters & pretenders- so get of your High Horse.....MadJW
Jehovah`s Witness`s are supposed to be so much better than everyone else..
There must be a huge barn behind every Kingdom Hall..For all the High Horses Jehovah`s Witness ride in on..
"I`m better than You!..I`m a Jehovah`s Witness!"..
I remember many years ago an elder telling my mom that the worst JW is still better than the best worldly person- and yes he said it in those words.
Well, Heaven, it appears you've pushed Christ aside as judge!
Elders from my wife's congregation lie!
They even lie about their own Governing body AND "The Faithful and Discrete Slave".
They will lie about anything they don't agree with or is not in line with their opinion!