So I've been reading Stephen Hassan's book on mind control and he made an interesting point that made me think about myself. He asks the question, "What makes some people just walk out of cults on their own, while others require much harsher measures from others to get them out?"
I was trying to think about how I got out. Most of you know that I was thoroughly indoctrinated as a JW. I believed it ALL. I believed the GB was God's representative. I believed EVERYTHING that they said. And when they changed things, I never had a problem with it. I just accepted it and viewed it as an exciting revelation of new light. So why was I able to see the truth so easily and yet there are others that have been in the org for 40,50, or 60+ years and they STILL have not come to this realization?
I haven't finished the book yet, so maybe he answers it in more detail. But what his initial comment was was this: "I found that "walk aways" were people had been able to maintain contact with people outside the destructive cult. It was clear that if such people could maintain communication with outsiders, valuable information that could change a person's life could penetrate cult-controlled mental walls."
But I had very little outside contact. I read Crises out of morbid curiosity. It helped change my life, but at the time (before reading it) I was not experiencing MAJOR doubts. Of course I had some. And I wasn't "spiritually strong" in the JW sense of the word.
Does anyone have any opinions or insights on this? How are some people able to "walk away" and others are stuck for life? How can some read Crises or Captives and see the truth of it, while others can only call it "lies"?