This is what a JW's said on her facebook page this morning? I was like, soooo, Satan caused your grandmother to die?
Grandma died this morning...satan sucks
by Joliette 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
It's Satan, in serpent form, from Genesis that's at fault... DUH!
Yeah, but Jehovah created Satan...and he's the knowner of all, it sounds like wrong guy is being blamed for this crime?
Its always the one that you dont expect. The one who 'allows' things to happen.
@ Outlaw: That guy looks pretty guilty but I think its his father that did it.
Oh, yeah...THATS THE GUY WHO DID IT!! LOL. He has killer written all over his angelic face.
These people are so deluded that they will blame stubbing their toe on Satan. Myth created to explain things that they otherwise had not idea of the cause, but today we know and the small minded idiots still believe. No god, no satan, I can't prove it but they can not prove that a tea pot orbits he sun.
^ Think Sodom and Gomorrah. Can you imagine what the neighboring cities thought about two cities being anniliated by a natural disaster... talk about rumors starting!
I am so glad it wasn't your Grandma, by what I read in the title, Joliette.
I hope these people each wake up one day. Most of us had to do that, so there is hope.