even by Watchtower's standards??
Do You Consider Yourself An "Apostate"?
by minimus 23 Replies latest jw friends
zombie dub
I'm not an apostate but I do believe that the 'WBTS' has made itself out to be something that its not.
I'm really irritated by that term. Basically the use of that word is a declaration of war upon those who can't subscribe to the idea that the WTS, the GB and the elders are infallible, despite the denials to the contrary. I simply refuse to play by their rules in my own personal life anymore, wherever I can avoid it. I don't want to go to war with them, I just want to live my life without their intrusions. If they really do pick a fight with me though, the outcome won't be pretty. I won't take it lying down.
Why don't those of us here come up with our own terminology already?V665
They will probably interrogate you so that they, like the high priest did with Jesus, can tear their robes and say, "What further proof do we need?"
One option is to be like the lamb before her shearers who is silent and watch their discomfort as you say nothing.
If you do make a heartfelt statement, realize that they'll just use it against you. Maybe in the long run, you'll get through to some of them, but don't count on it. Make up your mind that you'll do what's right no matter how they choose to respond.
If you do speak, you might want to find the WT lingo JWs use at the door to convince everyone else that they should do their homework and examine everything their religion teaches.
Ask them why that only applies to false religion.
However you approach it, brace yourself for the traumatic experience of having all your family and your "brothers" and "sisters" turn against you. "They all forsook him and fled."
We're still here for you, though.
Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.
It's certainly a much more pleasant term than what I consider and refer to anything jw/wts related.
Cheeses. Call me apostate if you wish, just don't call me late for dinner.
Yes. It's a badge of honor.
I like the term Boreans- they didn't blindly believe. We shouldn't be expected to.
hah, no, I'm an informed Jew, now.