The Pastor cancels Quran BBQ.........

by Judge Dread 19 Replies latest social current

  • tec

    Don't be too hard on the man.

    You're right. Maybe he really did recant because he didn't want to see people getting hurt. And in that case, I'm sorry for everyone, including him, if people do get hurt from this.


  • Judge Dread
    Judge Dread
    Maybe he really did recant because he didn't want to see people getting hurt.

    That is not the reason.

    Like I said, the reasons may come out later.

    Judge Dread

  • purplesofa

    Possibly the 100 plus death threats on his life had something to do with it.

  • GLTirebiter

    Attention seeker

    Exactly. He got what he wanted, lots of free publicity. He'll have a standing-room-only crowd this Sunday!

  • asilentone

    he changed his mind again.

  • crazyblondeb

    I was thinking that we need a "new world translation" bbq!!

  • mrsjones5

    The pastor spoke to the wrong imam:

    A fiery Florida pastor today called off his bonfire of Korans after claiming he had a deal that would move a controversial mosque away from the site of the 9/11 terror attacks -- but the Muslim cleric planning the so-called "Ground Zero mosque" quickly denied to ABC News that he had agreed to move his project.

    Pastor Terry Jones called the denial "very disturbing," telling ABC News' Terry Moran that assurances of a deal by Florida imam Muhammad Musri led him to drop his plan to burn Korans Saturday on the ninth anniversary of the terror attacks.

    "We were promised from the imam here," Jones said in an interview airing tonight on ABC News' "Nightline." "In the meeting, there were several people who can confirm that. We find that very devastating. If that [denial] is true, that would mean the imam lied to us."

    Nevertheless, Jones said the Koran burning remains cancelled -- for now.

    "We are still believing that this promise [on the New York facility] will come about," he told Moran. "Right now, we have not lost hope that this will end as we said this afternoon."

  • glenster
  • beksbks

    LEO!!! LOL

  • freydo

    isn't it a shame that this is the first conflict in which we haven't used propaganda as a weapon? Imagine if the Middle East Islamic countries were showered with leaflets that inform them that there is no historical or archaeological evidence that Mecca ever existed before pagan immigrants settled it in the 4th century and built their kaaba for moon, sun, star and demon worship in the early 5th century!

    Their imams would likely have to field a lot of questions. The cat would be out of the bag. They would be made to feel like a bunch of pagan buffoons. They would leave Islam in mass.

    Maybe a similar thing could be done at Kingdom Halls.

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