Before anyone asks whether it's important.... No it's not, it's just interesting.
Blackness. If the JW religion is a majority black religion, is this a majority black board?
by Quillsky 29 Replies latest jw friends
How did you come up with the idea of majority black? Maybe you mean in US? Because here in Europe there sure aren't many blacks. Worldwide I'm pretty sure caucasians are the majority (not that there's anything wrong with blacks of course, I can't even be racist if I barely met anyone of their race ).
Mostly english speakers post on JWN from countries where the majority of jws are white. The countries where the majority of jws are black or brown tend to mainly speak other languages and find the language a barrier.
Hi Quill I have replied to your PM.
RosePetal xx
Mostly english speakers post on JWN from countries where the majority of jws are white. The countries where the majority of jws are black or brown tend to mainly speak other languages and find the language a barrier.
Aren't the majority of JW's in the US black?
The cong I attended were mostly black, about less than a third of the cong was white
i live in the southern states so maybe that has something to do with it , not sure
I too live in a Southern state but the exact opposite.......
I have only visited one 'black-majority' congregation (Brenham, Texas).
It was only in the last 15 years that we have even had a 'black couple' in our congregation.....(previously the brother was married to a white sister, as was her sister to his brother--- Looking back Sister D and Brother S are the first 'black couple' I have ever had in any of my congregations.)
So interesting.
I'm outside of the US and over the years garnered the impression that JW's in the US were sort of Michael Jackson/Prince/George Benson/Venus and Serena Williams.
"I'm outside of the US and over the years garnered the impression that JW's in the US were sort of Michael Jackson/Prince/George Benson/Venus and Serena Williams."
The immigrants that came through Ellis Island thought the streets here were paved in gold
Most people where I live seem to think of JWs as a "black religion," yet my old congregation was predominantly white by far. I've also been to several other congregations locally that were also predominantly white. So the perception was interesting to me.
I suspect that -- around here at least -- the majority of the WTs growth is among non-whites. We're a bunch of hicks, really, but we have plenty of immigrants. Especially from Spanish speaking countries. Some of them convert. And JWs tend to be more active here in black neighborhoods. It always seemed to me that we were more likely to be asked in by black households, even if the householders weren't interested in converting, just out of respect.
Still, you would think the majority of people that whites see are whites. So where does the perception come from?
I think this is interesting too. Also interesting to hear that it's different in other places.