2- If everyone believes, it promotes very healthy and strong families in my experience.
In other words conditional love via enforced unity. A sure sign of a cult.
by theMadJW 213 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
2- If everyone believes, it promotes very healthy and strong families in my experience.
In other words conditional love via enforced unity. A sure sign of a cult.
I lol at you madjw... take one example the "free" aspect.. Nothing is free. The brothers donate their asses off to support the work so leches like you can have "free" bibles. And as for your "free" clergy.. I resent the hell out of that. I pay dearly for every meeting part, assembly part, funeral and marriage I have ever been a part of. My time is indeed valuable. My family pays every time daddy gets a call in the middle of the night from some Jack-hole like you who thinks that I should be at their beck and call to help them decide whether or not they can eat a hamburger they are cooking that is still red in the middle (true story).. so dont lie to yourself and call it free. you know nothing about which you speak.
There are some good things about the WTS. In particular, they teach strong morals. Now, I don't believe in fairy tales, but I have no quarrel the morals taught by fundamentalist groups like the WTS/evangelicals/Mormons/etc.
But I've got to take issue with MadJW's list of supposed "good things about the WTS":
1- Kingdom Halls with no collections, tithing, nor paid clergy; why even marriages and funerals are FREE!
No paid clergy? What do you call circuit overseers, district overseers, special pioneers? They get paid, don't ya know? Funny how they claim to follow the example of the first century Christians. But you may recall that Paul (who was a "traveling overseer) actually worked for a living! How many WTS traveling overseers actually work for a living? Zero.
2- The Truth about God, Christ, the spirit, the Kingdom, the dead, Hell, Resurrection, God's Purposes, and so much more TRUTH taught and PROVEN!
Well, I don't believe in fairy tales, so I hesitate to call any theology "truth."
3- FREE Bibles and any tolls needed.
Yep, they do give away Bibles and WTS literature. No argument here. Not sure what "any tolls needed" means, though.
4- The most HONEST and ACCURATE of all translations (none of the churchoids here have been ABLE to to any example of mistake)
I'm not trying to be mean, MadJW, but this statement betrays a startling level of ignorance about the Bible and how it was compiled. There are so many manuscripts with so many differences and contradictions, that it's IMPOSSIBLE to tell what was originally written. In the New Testament alone, there are more discrepancies between the manuscripts than there are words in the text! Thus, we've got a case of GIGO (garbage in - garbage out).
5- The Love we have for each other, as well as God and Christ: Love is CATCHING, and my WQTBS promotes it
Just as in any other group, there are some good ones and some bad apples. As someone who's been associated with the WTS in one way or another for several decades, I can tell you that there are some very good people who truly care for each other. And there are some mean/petty/selfish people as well. All it proves to me is that the WTS is just like any other group, club, fraternity, church, etc., when it comes to "showing love among themselves."
6- The backing and the training that enables us to ACTUALLY OBEY Christ's command to preach the Good News of the Kingdom to the World! (Not pay clergy to do it in fancy church buildings.)
See above regarding the WTS's unscriptural practice of paying its traveling clergy.
Well, clergyelite, sorry to hear such a selfish viewpoint; I WAS speaking about those COMING, not to those of us that sacrifce so much (sometimes, TOO much) for others!
Yes-lotta nonsense; a self-proclaimed "Slave Class" that is not a prophet but LIKE a prophet, giving such awfully
embarrasing opinions that are SUPPOSED to be automatically acceted by all of us JWs...pretenders...mistakes... and
moves not "Discreet" at ALL- like the NGO United Nations membership they secretly had for awhile....terrible, isn't it?
I mean, look at the Inspiring example we have in CHURCHianity: such WONDERFUL Dogma- such as the Three Sadist-Gods
who have been torturing billions of men, women, and children for thousands of years- with Eternity to go...and God making
the Universe in 72 hours...and backing the wars of their governments- "God and Country!", as they send their men out to war,
telling them they will be BLESSED for it, and SO many more wonderful revelations: the Rapture, Once-Saved, tithing, etc.
And their Blessed EXAMPLES! You talk about Molestation- try googling abuse in church, and try numbering them- if you have
enough years to spare!
So, with that fair comparioson behind us- could there POSSIBLY be any GOOD! You BETCHA!
1- Kingdom Halls with no collections, tithing, nor paid clergy; why even marriages and funerals are FREE!
2- The Truth about God, Christ, the spirit, the Kingdom, the dead, Hell, Resurrection, God's Purposes, and so much more TRUTH taught and PROVEN!
3- FREE Bibles and any tolls needed.
4- The most HONEST and ACCURATE of all translations (none of the churchoids here have been ABLE to to any example of mistake)
5- The Love we have for each other, as well as God and Christ: Love is CATCHING, and my WQTBS promotes it
6- The backing and the training that enables us to ACTUALLY OBEY Christ's command to preach the Good News of the Kingdom to the World! (Not pay clergy to do it in fancy church buildings.)
7- It promotes very healthy and strong families in my experience.
3- There are a lot of sincere people who are trying to understand the Bible the best they can and, annoying as it might be, are trying
to help other people to have the same understanding and hope they have. Among the R&F, there is a lot of sincerity and good intentions.
4- Helps people who need a concrete, structured direction and hope regarding their life/death/etc.
5- There is a lot of brotherly "care" for certain ones. If someone gets surgery, they'll have a line of hot meals for a month.
If someone gets old, they'll have people to cut their lawn and look after them.
6- They do have a "worldwide brotherhood" in a sense. They know they can go to Moscow or Santiago, walk in a KH, and probably
have a bunch of friendly faces, a free meal, maybe even a place to stay the night just because they are a JW.
what you fail to understand, dear madjw, is that all those that "come" are expected to "become" at some point. As any drug dealer will tell you, its always free... at first. we all pay in the end
EE- "Expected" is the wrong word; "Hoped" is more accurate- for Christ has TAUGHT us to put others first- AND, if YOU ever do that, you will REALLY start to LIVE!
madEx- any more? Keep going, I am laughing here.
Fools will ALWAYS laugh at the serious; those insane, as I, laugh at the laughers...
1- Kingdom Halls with no collections, tithing, nor paid clergy; why even marriages and funerals are FREE!
Money is asked for,from the Stage..There are Huge Contribution Boxes in every Kingdom hall..A collection plate is`nt big enough..
Marriages and Funerals are a Prop for WBT$ Recruitment and WBT$ Propaganda..
2- The Truth about God, Christ, the spirit, the Kingdom, the dead, Hell, Resurrection, God's Purposes, and so much more TRUTH taught and PROVEN!
Until theres "New Light..
Then your supposed to forget everything that used to be the truth,for the New Truth..
3- FREE Bibles and any tolls needed.
Paid for by Jehovah`s Witness`s..Nothing is free..
Any congregation that falls behind in WBT$ literature payments,will not get any more WBT$ literature..
4- The most HONEST and ACCURATE of all translations (none of the churchoids here have been ABLE to to any example of mistake)
The WBT$ was to lazy to translate their own bible..So they stole the Catholic Bible and re-Wrote it..
5- The Love we have for each other, as well as God and Christ: Love is CATCHING, and my WQTBS promotes it..
Until the WBT$ tells you to turn on a fellow member..Then your like a pack of wild dogs..
6- The backing and the training that enables us to ACTUALLY OBEY Christ's command to preach the Good News of the Kingdom to the World! (Not pay clergy to do it in fancy church buildings.)
WBT$ sales Training and Brain Washing..Done in Kingdom Halls..Bought and Paid for by Jehovah`s Witness`s..
To be later sold with all money going back to the WBT$..
Money..Money..Money..The WBT$ loves Money..