At the past assembly two families were interviewed who had just entered or had been in the full time ministry for a while. The following is not word for word but is damn close:
Family #1- We wanted to enter the pioneer work and prayed over the matter as a family. I quit my job and started a Janitorial business that would work with our pioneer schedule. Jehovah has blessed us with enough accounts to pay our bills and allow us to stay in the full time work....
These families were on the same stage at the same time, one interviewed right after the other:
Family #2- We have been in the full time work for over 10 years, I am an elder and my wife and daughter pioneer as well (He is also the wt conductor in our cong) We had a hard time getting here this summer as I have lost my business (He was a general contractor) and our house is being foreclosed on. I have sold my tools and truck just to help bay the bills. We had to borrow the money needed to get to the convention this year. But we feel blessed by Jehovah for providing us a way to be here...
The contradiction was shocking. Jehovah providing a business for one and allowing another to lose his even though it seemed they were both doing all they could in his service.
Not putting blame on God here. But I think too many people have a misunderstanding of God and how much he gets involved in our everyday lives.