My dr's recommending counselling I think it may help....

by Lozhasleft 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • palmtree67

    It always makes me sad when such wonderful people like you, Loz, are struggling.

    I wish you well.

  • Lozhasleft

    Aw Palm Tree hunny thats so kind of you...thank you. Truth is none of us should have to be suffering like this as casualties of the WTBS.

    Tresdecu - I will update and you stay strong too.

    Loz x

  • JamesThomas


    May I suggest that you begin to take the time to just sit alone and be still. Concentrate on what it is to breath, on what it is to sit in a chair, on what it is to feel life around you. This may help ground you and open you, so that meeting with a good therapist will be extra beneficial for you had you not primed the pump.

    You are loved and appreciated.


  • Hadit

    Hi Loz - no it's not easy for sure! Please do keep us posted. One thing for sure is this has made me a more empathetic and less judgmental person. You just never know what people are going through in their lives. One kind word to someone can mean the world to them when they are down. I know it helps me. We'll get through this! Strenght and determination. Knowing others are going through this and that they understand helps tremendously.

    Good luck!

  • RosePetal

    Hi loz I am so sorry you are still suffering, you've been through so much and losing your children to the Org. you are obviously still grieving, it must be hard for your husband to see you in pain. I hope the counselling helps you come to terms with what you have suffered and helps you move on. You are in me and my hubbies prayers.

    Hugs RosePetal

  • Lozhasleft

    Thank you Rose Petal...and I'll give that a try sure thing is getting to know you all has been a definite help to me...

    Loz x

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