The Power of the Watchtower!

by Pureheart 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Pureheart

    Love is the greatest positive force in the universe. To demonstrate to you just how powerful the WTS is:
    A loving mother raises 10 children in an almost perfect sense of love. Her husband is a loving father and his love is equaled to the mother in every respect. Needless to say the children are happy and secure.
    Somewhere in the stream of time JWs come along and teach them the “truth”. They later on become baptized. In time all of the children also become baptized.
    For reasons for disfellowshipping under WT law, both the mother and father are disfellowshipped. The children, who dearly love these loving parents are told not associate with them. All of the children are grown and have moved outside of the home. The children teach their children not to associate with the parents and they comply. All of a sudden WT law has replaced the force that motivated the family “love”. Is that POWER or what!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • Francois

    It's mental illness, that's what it is.


  • JT

    Point well taken and that is why i always recommend to folks who come up here on the net and find out all the info on the wt to first read and educate yourself on the POWER OF HIGH CONTROL GROUPS and this way they can save themselves alot of pain and grief-

    for at that point they will then understand that the "Normal" manner of showing someone info that they need to know must be approached from an entirely different angle

    and over and over we see folks come here who have approached thier family with info on the org only to have it explode in their faces-

    persons who are involved in High control groups like jw spend countless years preparing mentally for the day when a person will present them with info that DoGGGGGGGGGGGs the group and their response is like CLOCK WORK

    that is why so many of us see on a constant basis the same reaction that former jw are getting from their families

    as one person stated: "It is as if they are reading from a script"

    most of us have come to realize that jw learn things at rote and they
    "Parrot" whatever the org says in response to critical info on the org

    i will say this as long as i have breathe in my body cause i firmly beleive this

    The NET "THANG" at this time in history is truly the finest tool to help jw for it allows them to be comletey announious in who they are and where they surf

    while years ago most jw would have been scared to death to be caught in Barnes and Noble in the "Religious" section for fear that one of the friends would see them
    the net allows them in the pirvaccy of thier home to read, surf and print off info that they can read while sitting on the "JOHN" in the comfort of their home- smile

    so yes wt is powerful but so is INFORMATION

    THE question is offten asked how many folks would be come jw if they had had access to what is availble today on the net

    of course some like YK, FRED and Yadraif would have become jw anyway perhaps
    but i believe the vast majority of us would have never become one

    in my area here in WAshington DC we have UUNET, AOL and other internet corp based here and the territory for many congo is mainly made of up with HIGH TECH YUPPIES
    and the CO told us in an elder's meeting over 4 yrs ago that the territory was gettng harder to work due to the NET and folks bible studies being giving info from workmates, families ,friends, etc about jw and then asking the jw either at the Doors or on bible studies

    so it will be an interesting show to watch for the next 10-15yrs esp here in the western countries

    just my 2


  • SYN

    Yip, typical WT indoctrination, nothing to see here, please move along!

    "I see no good reasons why the views given in this volume should shock the religious sensibilities of anyone." -- Charles Darwin, The Origin Of Species, 1869.

  • Amazing

    Hi Pureheart: Excellent points. However, there is another more powerful force than love ... examine what you just said:

    "The children, who dearly love these loving parents are told not associate with them. All of the children are grown and have moved outside of the home. The children teach their children not to associate with the parents and they comply. All of a sudden WT law has replaced the force that motivated the family “love”. Is that POWER or what!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

    What "Force" could have "replaced" Love? - FEAR Fear is the most powerful force among animal and human life.

  • Pureheart

    Responses are right on the money Folks. Fear is the tool used for control and power, people are mentally off for allowing themselves to be controlled in that way, and had I and thousands, maybe millions known about the real laws governing the WTS, they would have made the choice to pass.
    The Internet is a powerful tool to inform people of the true history of the WTS, and an outlet for ones who have become trapped, to find out the true face of the WTS so they will not feel helpless under human control, and to vent their frustration and disappointment.


  • Englishman

    Oh come on you guys!

    Everyone knows that shunning someone that you care for is the greatest possible act of love. For, by so doing you will bring them to repentence, back to Jehovah and then you will be able to talk to them again.

    Shun a loved one today! Show them that you REALLY care!


    ..From the scepter'd Isle kept free by 2 fins and 4 Merlins.

  • CornerStone

    Hello Amazing,

    Not trying to pick a fight or anything but you said:

    What "Force" could have "replaced" Love? FEAR Fear is the most powerful force among animal and human life.

    I would disagree. I think, no, I BELIEVE that love is the most powerful force among humans. Now fear may be the most PREVALENT emotion/instinct/force among humans and animals, the most widely experienced but I believe that humans can and have overcome even their most powerful fear-filled thoughts when motivated by pure, sincere love, the most powerful force in the universe.


  • Richie

    You said it exactly how it usually is. Once you become a Witness, you are walking on hot coals: you are afraid to do anything that would merit disfellowshipping action. This is the only religion in the world that teaches division, separation and conditional love. I have said it before but most JW's do NOT have the capacity of genuine love because they are always under the strain of following intricate guidelines based on how one should really "love" one another. It is always based on how "well" you're doing in the truth - in that case you will receive the attention (not love), but anything outside those boundaries of acceptable behavior by the Borg, then you are out, desolated and entirely on your own. This is a force which cannot emanate from a loving God! It's a negative satanic force which moves the organization - there is no other explanation for it: It's all about control, power and manipulation under the guise of religious protection, which is hardly any protection at all! Yes love is the greatest force in the universe, but not with the witnesses at large, for they know not love but fear...

    Richie :*)

  • teenyuck

    I am with Amazing on this one.

    It happened to my family. My father was DF'd and we were told to not speak to him; have as little contact as possible.

    Fear-yes, it was 1974 and the big A was coming. I wanted to be in paradise. I was willing to give up a relationship with my father so I could be in paradise!!!!

    Sick, fear. I was 12. That is power.

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