Point well taken and that is why i always recommend to folks who come up here on the net and find out all the info on the wt to first read and educate yourself on the POWER OF HIGH CONTROL GROUPS and this way they can save themselves alot of pain and grief-
for at that point they will then understand that the "Normal" manner of showing someone info that they need to know must be approached from an entirely different angle
and over and over we see folks come here who have approached thier family with info on the org only to have it explode in their faces-
persons who are involved in High control groups like jw spend countless years preparing mentally for the day when a person will present them with info that DoGGGGGGGGGGGs the group and their response is like CLOCK WORK
that is why so many of us see on a constant basis the same reaction that former jw are getting from their families
as one person stated: "It is as if they are reading from a script"
most of us have come to realize that jw learn things at rote and they
"Parrot" whatever the org says in response to critical info on the org
i will say this as long as i have breathe in my body cause i firmly beleive this
The NET "THANG" at this time in history is truly the finest tool to help jw for it allows them to be comletey announious in who they are and where they surf
while years ago most jw would have been scared to death to be caught in Barnes and Noble in the "Religious" section for fear that one of the friends would see them
the net allows them in the pirvaccy of thier home to read, surf and print off info that they can read while sitting on the "JOHN" in the comfort of their home- smile
so yes wt is powerful but so is INFORMATION
THE question is offten asked how many folks would be come jw if they had had access to what is availble today on the net
of course some like YK, FRED and Yadraif would have become jw anyway perhaps
but i believe the vast majority of us would have never become one
in my area here in WAshington DC we have UUNET, AOL and other internet corp based here and the territory for many congo is mainly made of up with HIGH TECH YUPPIES
and the CO told us in an elder's meeting over 4 yrs ago that the territory was gettng harder to work due to the NET and folks bible studies being giving info from workmates, families ,friends, etc about jw and then asking the jw either at the Doors or on bible studies
so it will be an interesting show to watch for the next 10-15yrs esp here in the western countries
just my 2