Jehovahs Witnesses: the only organization preaching the good news !
by chrisjoel 28 Replies latest jw friends
Too bad their Good News™ is nothing but a pack of lies.
Who needs that, no matter what pretty name you put on it??
$h!t wrapped up in pretty gift paper with a big bow on it is still $h!t.
Thanks for the laugh Out outlaw,i really needed one today
"$h!t wrapped up in pretty gift paper with a big bow on it is still $h!t"
JW's can preach any sort of message and call it good news, great news, fantastic news, etc , but that doesn't mean it will provide a person with any tangible benefit.
I put this video and the other thread, on Math 24 14, to show apologists that there is another way to look at the whole issue that they insist is a mark or sign of the only true religion.
Maybe someone will get the point. Maybe they wont. Whatever lol..
So did Jesus said that his "good news" would be preached by an organization or individuals? Is a relationship with Christ through an orgaization, are people followers of Christ because of what they do as an individual or do they have to belong to an organization for their love of Christ to be real? Did Jesus call an organization to be his followers or individuals? Jesus made a covenant first with the apostles, then his other followers, not an organization or a congregation.
*** w05 2/15 p. 12 par. 3 Christians—Be Proud of Who You Are! ***To fight spiritual apathy, Christians need to have a clear view of who they are, and they must take reasonable pride in their distinct identity. As servants of Jehovah and disciples of Christ, we can find in the Bible descriptions of who we are. We are "witnesses" of Jehovah, "God’s fellow workers," as we actively share the "good news" with others. (Isaiah 43:10; 1 Corinthians 3:9; Matthew 24:14) We are people who "love one another." (John 13:34) True Christians are individuals who "through use have their perceptive powers trained to distinguish both right and wrong." (Hebrews 5:14) We are "illuminators in the world." (Philippians 2:15) We strive to "maintain [our] conduct fine among the nations."—1 Peter 2:12; 2 Peter 3:11, 14.
So did Jesus said that his "good news" would be preached by an organization or individuals?
The society is forced to speak out of both sides of the mouth. Yet an apologist would say, BIG DEAL, it doesnt matter as long as its being preached and that an organization is comprised of individuals therefore w05 2/15 makes no great leap to say christians are individuals....the org is the only one doing the work and we are clouding the issue.
AND THIS is exactly the kind of reasoning that I would hope aplogists realize. DISTINCTIONS without DIFFERENCES that plague the thinking of jws.
On the one hand they represent an organization. On the other hand theyre said to be individually judged. When it comes to following what jesus said it comes down to obedience to an organizations point of view and jesus point of view as interpreted by the society.
Nathan Natas
"Hi, my companion and I are unpaid volunteers working on behalf of an international publishing company/cult, and we stopped by today to share some good news with you. Soon, our God will kill you and your pagan neighbors and we will be moving into your house. Would you like to contribute to our worldwide preaching effort?"