I wouldn't recommend a long fade unless you see an honest advantage to it--one that's better than wishful thinking, that is. Congregations and families do vary. But in most cases, I wouldn't bother. It just delays the inevitable pain most of the time and offers no real advantage. Some faders tend to hang on forever, never fully embracing the Society and never fully leaving it. They end up being the blacksheep of the congregation and their family either way.
Even if you move before you stop going to meetings, you are only delaying the inevitable. Families always seem to find out eventually. Of course, moving will make it harder for them to hound you afterward, but otherwise, it doesn't do much for most except to delay the inevitable even further. Even if you aren't DFed, you might wish you had been if your family gets mean about it. Many do. In my view, it's best to get the whole ordeal behind you rather than waiting to yank the bandaid off a little at a time.
It's obviously your decision. I didn't fade--I just left and never looked back. It took about 2 weeks for the wolves to descend. It was a drawn out, senseless pain in the neck. But it wouldn't have been any better if I'd waited. The sooner you quit, the sooner that part will be over with.
I do suggest you prepare yourself first. Make some new friends, start hanging out with people and build up a new support group. Not just online, but in the real world where you live. You'll need those friends if your congregation harasses you as mine did to me. In my view, that's usually all a fade is good for; it gives you time to build up a new life outside the WT by keeping up minimal appearances.
As I said, your situation might be so different from most that a fade really does make sense. I'm not in your shoes. But in most cases, a fade just delays the unavoidable problems. It's still up to you. No judgments intended.