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Black Sheep
Discourse by Brother B. H. Barton.
Subject: "HOW WE CAN SUCCESSFULLY PERFORM THE PART OF A BROTHER. (1915 Convention Report, p. 123)"
We have seen the unreasonableness and unscripturalness of the teaching usually spoken of as the "Trinity," and Brother Woodworth has so effectively presented this that no further comment seems necessary. But we do find when we come to the Word of God that the great design of the Creator is to have a trinity. We find that our Heavenly Father is the first, the foremost, the greatest part of that wonderful trinity. We find that the Lord Jesus was to be the second person in that marvelous trinity. We find that the third person in that trinity was not to be an influence, disposition, or power merely, nor was the third part to be a single individual. The Bible gives us to understand that the third member in the trinity will be those who have faithfully followed in the footsteps of our dear Redeemer. Jesus expressed this thought when He prayed, as recorded in John 17:21, "That they all may be one, as Thou, Father, art in Me, and I in Thee, that they also may be one in us." There is the trinity; there we have the three in one-the Father, the Son, and those who follow in the footsteps of the Son.
You may ask,"Are they all to be co-equal and co-eternal with God?" O no. We realize that in that trinity God will be higher than any of the rest. Next to God will be His own dear Son, and on the lowest place in the wonderful trinity, will come those who walk in His footsteps.
This is the thought in 2 Peter 1:4, where the Apostle says, "Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises, that by these ye might be partakers of the nature of God."
That is what it really says in the Greek. We are glad there is such a hope as that. Does it fill us with pride? No, it crushes us with humility. No wonder the Apostle calls it a "high calling." No wonder that the Scriptures emphasize and enlarge upon it as they do. Who could believe it possible if there was not so much evidence to support it in the Word of God? If this great blessing is to be given any, what must be the marvelous unity among those to compose that wonderful class, the Body of Christ, the Bride of Christ, the class to be so much closer to God and His Son than any of the angels have ever been, or ever will be? No wonder the Word of God exalts the hope of the church as it does. We could not believe this unless the Word of God told us it was so.Does anyone have a scan of this document?