Are You Sick of Your Job (part 2) -- chased by a customer

by SnakesInTheTower 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • snowbird

    I hope you get it, too.

    You said:

    I scored #1 out of 150 applicants. In the final interview with the Civil Service Commission, I was up against a black woman. White guy against "double minority." I was more qualified than her on the required practical skills. The chairman....err...chairwoman of the Commission was (and I think still is) a black woman. The other 2 were old white guys who were nothing but window dressing. She ran the show....and gave the black lady the job. A friend, since retired, who worked for the city then in the building, gave me the real scoop later. She said I had no chance of being hired, that they already had who they wanted waiting in the wings but the mayor had to go through the motions of attempting to hire minorities. The black woman was hired for show, went through training and probation, then quietly let go because she did not have the skills. They then went off the original exam list but skipped m. Who did they hire? A white woman....the woman in records who I was talking to....she had since been promoted and her old job..the one I should have had...with benefits....was back up for grabs.

    Politically correct nonsense!


  • cult classic
    cult classic

    here too snakes, good luck - it 's a good sign that they asked about the start date

  • SnakesInTheTower

    ...waiting.... waiting....waiting....damn I hate waiting.

    I need to send a thank you note tomorrow to the interviewer. I hope I hear something before she gets the card. I should have had the card out yesterday. If I haven't heard by Friday after lunch I may ring them up and ask a "clarifying" of those.... "you know you asked if I had any questions..... so easy to remember after you leave..." Keep me at the front of their minds before the weekend.

    Especially since it was a 90 minute interview..... I was thirsty.... interviewer had a water bottle....mine was in the car... by the time it was over, I needed to brain was mush.

    Snakes (Rich )

  • Snoozy

    People run from a policeman instead of running after them...

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