The Devil is in the Details...

by rhodesboy 13 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • rhodesboy

    Yes most of you in your analysis of the 09/15 WT study ‘OUR ACTIVE LEADER TODAY’ have missed a golden nugget – new prophecy courtesy of the GB.

    Very discreet but read carefully the highlighted text:

    13 Christ’s “presence” since 1914 has gone unnoticed by most of earth’s inhabitants. (2 Pet. 3:3, 4) Soon, however, he will make his presence manifest by executing Jehovah’s judgments on the various elements of Satan’s system of things. The destruction of “the man of lawlessness,” the clergy of Christendom, will be an unmistakable “manifestation of his presence.”(Read 2 Thessalonians 2:3, 8.) It will furnish concrete proof that Christ has moved into action as Jehovah’s appointed Judge. (Read 2 Timothy 4:1.) The annihilation of the most reprehensible part of Babylon the Great will serve as a prelude to the total destruction of that wicked world empire of false religion. Jehovah will put it into the hearts of political leaders to devastate this spiritual harlot. (Rev. 17:15-18) That will be
    the first part of the “great tribulation.”—Matt. 24:21.

    The word ‘prelude’ is interesting for several reasons - here’s why. Over the last century the GB has consistently provided a sequence for The Great Tribulation - the destruction of Babylon (false religion) followed by Armageddon. They have never - until now - specifically stated the sequence for the destruction of Babylon the Great. The word prelude according to wiktionary is an ‘introductory event’. They have prophecied that the destruction of Christendom (Vatican & Christian denominations) ‘man of lawlessness’ will be the prelude or initiation of the first phase of the Great Tribulation followed by ‘the total destruction…of false religion’. Read carefully those scriptures, none of them support the assertion that Christendom will be destroyed first. My point is they have made their own unsubstantiated prediction – a prophecy that we are obliged to hold them too. What do you think?

  • designs

    Don't stand close to the 124 Columbia Heights Building...............

  • zoiks

    Welcome, Rhodesboy! Interesting find.

  • Lozhasleft

    Hello Rhodesboy and welcome....just for oldies like me could you type in a larger font please?

    Loz x

  • mamalove

    So are you concluding that they are insinuating that there will be a first group detroyed (the baddest of them all---which is?) and then the rest of false religion? So am I understanding this correctly that perhaps the Vatican which you reference, and lets say Baptists and Lutheran's are destroyed first, and then after that the Taoists, and Buddhists and Muslims? I am just trying to wrap my head around this and how if that is what they are saying, can truly glean that from scripture. Thanks!

  • frigginconfused

    Jehovah isnt gonna put anything in anyones heart. That removes free will. He is not tied to time as we are and has already been at the end of things. So he knows the outcome and has sent that to us through the bible.

  • rhodesboy

    Hey there everyone, forgive me if my posts aren't polished yet im learning the ropes

    As some of you may suspect I am a former associate of the 'other sheep' . Never baptized though, but discovered my inner party animal at university and never looked back . My daddy has one foot in the door, hence my access to their literature.

    Here goes:

    "So are you concluding that they are insinuating that there will be a first group detroyed (the baddest of them all---which is?) and then the rest of false religion? So am I understanding this correctly that perhaps the Vatican which you reference, and lets say Baptists and Lutheran's are destroyed first, and then after that the Taoists, and Buddhists and Muslims?"

    Yes mamalove you got it!

    At the very least according to their interpretation the Vatican goes first then Islam and the rest - read it, they are rather concise. Quiet daring don't you think?

  • Mattieu

    G'day Rhodesboy, welcome to the board, nice 1st post. Cheers, Mattieu

  • Heaven

    Hey rhodesboy, Welcome to the Forum.

    I wonder why it took them over 130 years to finally give us a prelude? Oh wait... I know... because the Big "A" was supposed to have been here by now! I wonder when they'll realize that this preluded (read de-luded) prophesy is false too.

    These guys have no shame and they never learn. They keep pumping out this crap. And they're looking more and more wacky as the years roll by.

  • cult classic
    cult classic

    Hey there Rhodesboy - glad you made it out.

    It's been speculated by WT in the past that most likely Jehovah would destroy Christendom first (as they claim to represent Jehovah and Jesus), followed by the rest of false religion.

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