"are you a jehovah?"

by sweet 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • carla

    "the JW at your door think you are somewhat unintelligent too."- well gosh, that'd be hurtful now wouldn't it? First they can't wait for me to be dead AND they think I'm stupid?! wow, coming from people who have flip flopped on numerous subjects such as rape being fornication what? 13 times now? from people who wait each week for a bunch of old men in NY to tell them what they believe this week? yeah, I'd be real hurt by what they think.

    You forget that most people who have ever stepped foot in a church know full well 'jehovah' is a made up name. Furthermore most people don't even know jw's consider themselves Christian and once they find out about their doctrines they do not consider them Christian at all. For how weird most people think jw's are and then to hear they are supposedly 'bible based' they do not think 'oh what nice folks' they think weird, odd, peculiar, strange, etc.... names like David Koresh, Jim Jones and their 'bible based' teachings often come to mind. To most, they think something is not quite right with those 'jehovahs'.

    Now when they hide their jw-ism that is an entirely different story, many find out so & so is a jw?! what? no kidding? just had a beer with him like I do every Fri for the past year and he never mentioned it!

  • brotherdan

    Isn't it ironic, Carla? Dumbies calling you a dumbie?

  • sweet

    "Betting there's a past thread that addresses how some JWs say JehoveR... gonna go search for it."

    sounds like something tyler perry's madea would say...lol "Are you one of them Jehover Witnesses"....lol

  • brotherdan

    I know that the british and aussies tend to end words ending with an "uh" sound with an "er" sound.

  • AwSnap

    I always thought it was funny that Jay Z goes by that name. Yes, I used to be called a Jehovah and just Jehovah . Its part of the cult...so if you hear someone refer to themselves like that, you knew they werent really one

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