I am curious if they said anything personal about you and your wife in the recordings? Did they only talk about scriptural things you said?
SBCheezits Judicial Hearing - My EPIC FAIL (REPOST for IE users)
by SweetBabyCheezits 98 Replies latest jw friends
I'll have to write up a summary one of these days when I'm at home.
I'll add this for now: the elder who said that 'the 42 kids who got mauled by she-bears would certainly be resurrected'... after we left the room he said he was suprised at my "lack of bible knowledge"... presumably because I questioned his assertion that those kids would be resurrected.
He also said that my wife didn't seem too sure about her answers, as if she didn't really have confidence in what she believes or disbelieves. But one of the more observant elders pointed out that she seemed more like she didn't want to say the wrong thing in front of them and was choosing her words carefully.
Hey SBC, love how you're stickin' it to them. If you really want to follow through with this, then a good option for you is to buy a bugging device, or a micro video camera. Do a search on the net (maybe even Ebay) for a pen which clips into your pocket, with the camera being in the top of the clipper part. It's absolutely minute... tinier than an elder's I.Q! They've been out for a couple of years, and are used by private investigators, and secret services etc.
( I understand totally your reasons for doing this, but believe me, after a year of self-deprogramming, I think you'll just have the attitude 'what the hell...' Personally, I'm in the process of trying to help my family out, but by god, they've got stiff necks! )
Let's hope that in a couple of months time, we'll all be able to watch it in video form on YouTube!
I know this thread is kinda dead but I still want to post anyways...
@SweetBabyCheezits - I hope you are moving on with your life and doing well. If you have a minute, what has been the aftermath? How have you grown and how do you look at the whole thing now that some time has passed?
Hi, Ray. I got busy and needed a break from the forum so I've been offline a while.
It's been a helluva rollercoaster ride since our DF'ing. My parents and my wife's parents vacillate between keeping their distance and contacting us to see the kids, though her parents are now being more strict with the shunning (recent "final notice" type email from MIL telling my wife that 'if we want to see them, they'll be at the DC on July 8-10') and my parents are being a bit more flexible (an occasional call, hugs/greetings/"I love yous" when I take the kids by, etc).
I sense that it's very hard on my parents since we were decently close before and they were REALLY close to our kids... and I hate to see them in pain but, as I see it, it's their refusal to question anything JW-related that created this rift. (And to them, it's my decision to question that has caused it.)
As far as I can tell, we've done quite well with the deprogramming & healing but we've still decided it would be best for our family to move away from this area and start a fresh life with new relationships. My wife has some non-JW family (a childless aunt/uncle) in the Denver area and we spent our summer vacation in CO, visiting with them and checking out towns along the front range. Now we're getting our house ready to put on the market.
Her uncle and aunt are just plain awesome and we bonded with them almost immediately. They're ready to be surrogate grandparents to our kids, which is great, especially if we can get our arses moved out there. There's been a real family-void in our lives since last October (before that even) and I didn't even realize it until that trip.
Ultimately, the less I think about the WT organization (or any fundamentalist religion & adherents), the better I feel. For that reason (plus a hectic schedule), I decided to take a break from JWN. This forum was a tremendous help through the whole escape process - very therapeutic - great people, volumes of experience, hilarious .. um...banter(?)... but now it's time to move on. I do hope the JC posts I've left behind might be of some small benefit to another who faces a similar situation. And I'll keep trying to "pay it forward" outside of this forum. One of my bucket list items is to help one person (aside from my wife) get out so I still have that to do.
I find that when my wife and I get so busy trying to build a better future for our family we don't have time to dwell on our unjust circumstances and lost relationships, and our quality of life is vastly improved. Plus that gives us a renewed sense of purpose and goals. I arrived at this place because I found no way to resolve the conflict. Randy Pausch said it best: We can't change the cards we're dealt but we can change how we play them.
Also I find this image to be very motivating:
Maybe someday I'll have my act together like that guy, eh? I think he's famous for his success or something.
I'll still pop in occasionally to say hi to old friends but I'm making it a rule to stick to lighter fare threads and avoid the latest JW happenings or topics that raise my BP (ie, Godrulz threads).
Anyways, I hope all is well with you great citizens of JWN! I've missed the awesome discussions and friendships on here. Goodnight, you princes of Maine... you kings of...Winning.
First time I've seen this thread. I love it! Your reasons for moving on are sound. Time to build a real life. Give your wife a hug and smooch for me.
I got the giggles reading the elder's script as it slowly dawns that they are being recorded. I had a similar experience years ago when my palm pilot was lost. The good samaritans debated it's return, and unbeknownst to them, they recorded the entire conversation. I had a good laugh over that one, too.
As Billy points out, judicial meetings should never be in private. There's a reason that our secular judicial system continues to be public. Not only must justice be served, but it must be open to scrutiny by anyone.
Well look what the cat dragged in....Cheez! Welcome back sir. Good to hear things are going good for you and the family. Your thoughts about the forum and having your mind stuck on the JW world ring true. Sounds like you're making the right decision to move on. I wish you the best. And yes, your trail of posts and threads will help many I'm sure. Such as....don't leave your iPhone in the room with 3 elders while it is recording!
To show you were missed....check out this thread: http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/friends/211618/1/APB-for-SBC-anyone-seen-Cheez
Also, check your inbox later for a PM. At work right now but will send one later....for whenever you're back and have time to read it.
Stay classy, Cheez.
I'll still pop in occasionally to say hi to old friends but I'm making it a rule to stick to lighter fare threads and avoid the latest JW happenings or topics that raise my BP (ie, Godrulz threads).
That's all we ask!! I suppose my comedy dream team of SBC, Mr Falcon, Keyser and a few others was just too good to last.
Great thread.
Learned a lot from it as I will be in a similar situation.