Anyone Know JW's who Donated Inheritances, Estates,$$$ to WT Society ?

by flipper 60 Replies latest jw friends

  • flipper

    ASILENTONE- Interesting, yeah I knew someone also that donated land for a kingdom hall.

    MYTHBUSTER- Yes, that came to my mind as well. A GB member taking jewelry and trying to sell it to marketplaces from deceased Jehovah's Witnesses ? They make the Nazi's look like saints practically ! Talk about unethical. Jesus.

    BANGALORE- Exactly. The WT society & GB tell witnesses not to be materialistic- I think the GB and leaders of the WT society forgot about setting proper examples YEARS ago actually. It's always been do as I say, not as I do.

    LITTLE IMP- That's cool you are doing research on it. If you find anything more out- let us know, O.K. ?

    HOPSCOTCH- NIce to hear from you ! Hope you and hubby are well ! My wife and I are fine, thanks, as the fires are in the Souther Sierra Nevada mountains- not up in the North part of the state where we live. Thanks for asking.

    Wow. That experience about the old couple who donated their land for a Kingdom hall and now they are in need years later- I wonder how MANY times THAT story has been repeated around the world with older people losing everything financially to this dastardly cult ?? And your take on the WT society cracking down on faders to DF them may have financial motivations insidiously wanting to seperate faders from their older JW parents wealth. Interesting theory on your part. Probably correct as well ! It will be interesting to see what happens to our elderly parents retirement funds for sure. Gawd, I hate the WT society.

    MMXIV- Good point you make. It WOULD be epic to find out how much totally the WT society is generating income-wise from donations around the world. I too feel this is just the tip of the iceberg. I hope the WT Titanic organization crashes and burns soon with some huge extortion crime exposed or something newsworthy. Jeez- That would make my day.

    SLIMBOYFAT- Yes, shocking indeed , isn't it ? I have been quite shocked by the responses as well ! I just wonder HOW MUCH the WT society really is taking in if it was all known ?

    QUIETLY LEAVING - Wow. I felt my blood pressure rise when reading your experiences. Here we have younger couples, struggling to make ends meet - paying for Branch committee members meals, gifts, and Bethel couples vacations and resorts ? And the GB claims THIS organization is motivated by holy spirit ? Must be from the Devil then.

    OTWO- Yeah, I hear you. The experiences on this thread really make me think as well. How in the hell DOES the WT society get away with this crap ? It's called the power of cult mind control. And THAT is a scary power my friend when it comes to manipulating older members out of their inheritances, retirements which should rightly go to the younger relatives, witnesses or not ! I hope some huge financial extortion scam rips this organization open from stem to stern. Pisses me off.

    ST GEORGE of ENGLAND- Thanks for the links

  • Little Imp
    Little Imp

    Thanks St. George

    Any idea how many charities they have?

    As well as this one have found other funds under Bible Students as well as individual KHs.


  • Gordy

    We had a JW sister , one of the "anointed", when she died aged 100, in the early 1980's

    Who left £10,000 to the congregation.

    I think about £25,000 to the organisation.

    The house etc, she left to the JW sister, she had lived with for about 60 years.

  • flipper

    GORDY- So a sister aged 100 left thousands to the congregation & organization ? I'm sure that story has been repeated thousands of times. So now we know where the WT society receives most of it's money from- older members

  • flipper

    Wanted to bump this thread up for newbies or anybody else that wanted to add to it. Thanks, Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • blondie

    Based on my husband's 15 years as a accounts servant in several congregations (as an elder as well), while jws are alive they are very reluctant to part with the money and donate. Those who itemized deducations, tended to donate because it was a tax break. The WTS has many ways for jws to get tax breaks while they are yet living and financially savvy jws take advantage of that.

    As to giving at the time of death, they won't need it, they reason it may guarantee their future life ignoring that the price supposedly was already paid by Christ.

    Now my jw family used "financial" inheritance as a means of emotional blackmail of their children and other family members. I think I have been disinherited and reinherited at least 50 times. I currently have disinherited myself. If they want to give every dime to the WTS, it's their money.

    I checked where I live and only the surviving spouse has a guarantee legally to inherit. (community property state)

    If you are concerned, I would check with a legal person to see if you can be "disinherited" in your state. Obviously the WTS does not wait until death to secure the legal paperwork.

  • flipper

    BLONDIE- Thanks for the information. I feel that not only the WT society are a bunch of damned vultures- but JW relatives when they disinherit adult children from possible inheritances. I'm sorry to hear you've been put on a rollercoaster ride with your JW parents. Hang in there. My JW parents are in their 80's - so it may be my turn to ride the rollercoaster in several years . I'll just have to mentally prepare myself for whatever happens

  • CuriousButterfly

    I have heard that the WTS prefers not to have property/items willed to them but assets that can be liquidated quickly.

  • life is to short
  • flipper

    CURIOUS BUTTERFLY- Interesting view you put out. Stands to reason the WT society would prefer assets they can liquidate quickly. They don't like hassles and drawn out scenarios .

    LIFE IS TOO SHORT- Thanks for the bump

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