BBC Newsnight - The Pope's Back Against the Wall

by whereami 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • whereami

    I dispise what religion has done. How can a follower look at these clowns and think they're actualy humble loving servants of god.

    What a bunch of pigs. There isn't one once of sincerity or love in any of them.

    Ok, rant over.

  • JWoods

    Has it occurred to anybody else that he looks quite a lot like Uncle Fester on the old Addams Family TV show?

  • undercover
    Has it occurred to anybody else that he looks quite a lot like Uncle Fester on the old Addams Family TV show?

    So that means the Pope is the source of new light...

    uh, get it? new light? light bulb? Uncle Fester? nevermind....

  • straightshooter

    The sad thing is I don't think they realize the hurt that relgion has caused. They are only concerned about their image to the world.

  • Cook My Socks UK
    Cook My Socks UK

    The sad thing is that the UK Gov is bringing in spending cuts all over the place to reduce the nation deficit but spending £20,000,000 bringing the Pope over!

  • Truthexplorer

    that is a drop in the ocean compared to the billions of pounds of tax payers money wasted on ridiculous futile wars - not to mention the hundreds of thousands of human lives lost!

  • littlepixie

    Catholics scare me. I attended a Catholic funeral this morning. No-one had a Bible, everyone sat to sing. When the Priest started reading there was a (paid?) group at the back who began shouting responses back at the Priest. Mumbling at first then shouting back in really weird voices. I found it really scarey.

    None of the "funeral attenders" took any notice of the scriptures the Priest was reading as they didnt have a Bible to follow him and most seemed like they had never read a Bible.

    Then weird bells tinkled somewhere and the coffin was sprinkled with water and smoke from an incense "thingy". It all looked rather pagan. Then the Priest invited people up to eat a wafer or be blessed and a queue formed. My mum (a lapsed Catholic) said she couldnt have a wafer as she hadn't been to confession so she had a blessing. I remained seated.

    How can a man bless me? I don't understand it. How can the Pope be more important than all those thousands who went to see him today? How can they parade around in such expensive clothes (white and gold) when Jesus was so poor.

    People were bowing to statues and a gold cage thing - they looked like graven images to me.

    The Priest quoted Jesus and Lazarus and then said that the deceased was now with all her relatives that had gone before.

    I didnt understand it but out of respect for the deceased kept my feelings to myself.

    Eta. They also had posters up aimed at children telling them to tell if someone was hurting them - too little too late.

  • skeeter1

    We should all follow Buddhism advice. Only pay the local cleric one day's bread. Let him starve if he doesn't give good service.

  • wiser

    I love my catholic friends, but there religion is unreal. The pope is viewed as God on earth and they answer to his every whim. I have never seen any good that popes do they travel in lavish style and is the richest church on the earth. Yet billions of people are starving. Let them sell there expensive art collections and feed the poor!

  • cameo-d

    whereami: "How can a follower look at these clowns and think they're actualy humble loving servants of god."

    Reminds me of a book I read.....

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