A rebellion had begun. In Moses' absence, the Israelites built a golden calf and engaged in idolatrous reveling. The clamor of their immoral festivities was clearly identifiable as improper. Moses described what he heard in Exodus 32:18: "It is not the sound of the singing over mighty performance, and it is not the sound of the singing of defeat; it is the sound of other singing that I am hearing." Evidently, the Israelites' choice of recreation was so bizarre that Moses, a loyal servant of Jehovah, could not even comprehend what he was hearing. (1 Cor. 14:20) Loyal ones rallied to Moses, Jehovah's appointed representative, and took swift action against idolatrous ones. Three thousand wicked apostates lost their lives. (Ex. 32:26-28)
These events are not of mere passing historical importance; they serve as a warning to faithful Christians living in this time of the end. (1 Cor. 10:6-11) In this idolatrous, sex-crazed world, the tendency towards imperfection can be strong. Often, even loyal servants of Jehovah can err. None of us should conclude we are immune to Satan's wicked influence and thus leave ourselves open to attack. Only by remaining in the safety of God's organization can we hope to be protected from our Adversary, the Devil. (1 Pet. 5:8, 9)
One way that Satan has been able to influence some is by means of a perversion of sexuality. How so? Well, some have chosen to engage in unclean conduct within their marriage bed, dishonoring the God-given gift of sex within marriage. (Heb. 13:4) What has been the result? Troubled consciences and bizarre, warped thinking that reflects the spirit of the world rather than God's thinking. Some have allowed false reasoning to affect how they render the marital due. It is hoped that this article will serve as a reminder to those who are struggling in this regard, as well as those whose thinking may have been affected by apostate reasonings.
The Adult Study Edition of The Watchtower was provided as a means of guiding married couples in appropriately rendering the marital due. Due to its sensitive nature, some in the congregation have become confused, or even stumbled. Many have question the "faithful and discreet slave" as to why such material was necessary. Perhaps they allowed a spirit of independence to form in their hearts, which caused them to challenge the motives of Jehovah's organization. In doing so, they have missed the point entirely and have failed to truly understand the slave class and its role in God's household. (Matt. 24:45-47) Sadly, this has led some into a treacherous position before Jehovah.
Let us consider what the Bible tells us regarding matters of sex within marriage. How can we prove ourselves loyal to Jehovah's reminders? Let us see.
"Be As Though They Had None"
Recognizing the nearness of the end of this old system of things, Paul wrote: "The time left is reduced. Henceforth let those who have wives be as though they had none." (1 Cor. 7:29) Paul knew that sexual intimacies within marriage were not to be the prime concern of spiritually alert Christians. No doubt he had carefully considered Jesus' warning at Matthew 24:19: "Woe to the pregnant women and those suckling a baby in those days!...For then there will be great tribulation such as has not occurred since the world's beginning until now, no, nor will occur again." Obviously, a pregnant woman is a woman who at some point rendered sexual relations to her husband and thus became pregnant. Jesus here is clearly warning against such a decision, given the uncertainty of our times. Since 1914, Satan's world has been hurtling towards its climactic doom at the great tribulation so soon at hand. Would it be wise, then, to take Jesus' warnings lightly, perhaps reasoning that pregnancy is a relatively short period of time, and that surely the end would not come before a woman could give birth?
No doubt those who lived in Noah's time, before the Flood, reasoned in a similar way. What happened to them? Jesus relates: "For as they were in those days before the flood...men marrying and women being given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark; and they took no note until the flood came and swept them all away, so the presence of the Son of man will be." (Matt. 24:38, 39) Evidently, some women were either pregnant or nursing children when the Flood came. Being thus distracted with mundane responsibilities, they lost their lives, both they and their children. They chose to ignore Jehovah rather than obediently listen to his warnings. Surely, we do not want such tragedy to befall us!
In our time, with Armageddon so near at hand, Christian couples who wish to remain spiritual alert should meditate on these matters. How will the nearness of the end affect your choices regarding the marital due? The survival of your family depends on your choosing wisely. Might it be better to devote your time and energies to the full-time ministry? Chloe, a regular pioneer who has been married for 35 years, says: "My husband and I agreed that we would serve Jehovah full-time--no distractions whatsoever. Keeping our life as simple as possible meant foregoing the conception of children. Of course, knowing that this might prove a challenge for a newly married couple, we were sure to devote 100% of our energies to upbuilding activities that kept our minds on appropriate, spiritual matters." What about the rendering of the marital due? How does the nearness of the end of this system affect our viewpoint regarding sexual intimacies within marriage?
"Let Us Cleanse Ourselves"
Chloe, mentioned above, continues: "Wishing to stay focused on Jehovah's interests and not our own, we agreed not to engage in rendering the marital due at all. Though this was a difficult sacrifice to make, we have greatly rejoiced at how Jehovah has rewarded us with many, many spiritual children--the best children of all!"
Was this a wise decision? The results were clearly positive. However, some might reason, "But did not Jehovah God provide the gift of sex for couples to enjoy within marriage?" True. But let us consider how Jehovah handled matters with his ancient people, the nation of Israel. When he provided the Mosaic Law, Jehovah gave this instruction for married couples: "Now in case a man has an emission of semen go out from him, he must then bathe all his flesh in water and be unclean until the evening...As for a woman with whom a man may lie down with an emission of semen, they must bathe in water and be unclean until the evening." (Lev. 15:16, 18) Clearly, even within the divine arrangement of marriage, Jehovah considers imperfect married couples who engage in sexual intercourse to be unclean. In Israel, uncleanness of this sort would make it impossible to render sacred service at the Tabernacle or later, at the Temple. In harmony with this, the apostle Paul wrote: "Let us cleanse ourselves of every defilement of flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in God's fear." (2 Cor. 7:1) What can we learn from this?
Similarly, in our time, marital sexual relations can, in a sense, render us "unclean", or unfit for carrying out Jehovah's requirements. Some married couples have become distracted to an extreme degree with sexual matters. They have missed meetings or even the God-given assignment of preaching the Kingdom good news to pursue their marital intimacies. Such a decision may be the easier course of action, but, as has been explained, we are living in the time of the end, where this wicked system of things is edging ever nearer to extinction. "You already know the season," Paul wrote, "that it is already the hour for you to awake from sleep, for now our salvation is nearer than at the time when we became believers." (Rom. 13:11)
Note that, in 2 Corinthians 7:1, mentioned above, Paul did not say merely to cleanse of ourselves of some defilements of flesh and spirit. He said that we must cleanse ourselves of every defilement of flesh and spirit. This applies both for single and married Christians. And Bible principles clearly show us that marital sexual relations lead to uncleanness from Jehovah's point of view. Therefore, all who wish to remain loyal to Jehovah and his organization will wisely refrain from marital sexual intercourse, instead choosing to devote their full energies to furthering the preaching work. (Matt. 24:14)
Recognizing that "uncleanness" is one of the "works of the flesh", therefore, those who brazenly engage in uncleanness will be cut off from Jehovah's arrangement. (Gal. 5:19-22; 6:7, 8) Jehovah has made clear his instructions. Wise and humble Christians will follow his counsel. Granted, some may scoff, feeling that perhaps Paul's words in 1 Corinthians 7:1-5 are a command, binding on Christian couples, and that it is therefore "unreasonable" and "unfair" to expect them to abstain from marital relations. However, notice that, after giving counsel regarding the marital due, Paul says in 1 Corinthians 7:6: "However, I say this by way of concession, not in the way of a command." Clearly then, Paul was not commanding first century Christians to engage in marital intercourse, nor is Jehovah giving such instructions to his people today.
In the same chapter, Paul warns that married men and married women are "anxious for the things of the world." (1 Cor. 7:33, 34) Why, how foolish that would be, as John under inspiration said, "The world is passing away, and so is its desire"! (1 John 2:15-17) Indeed, only loyal servants of Jehovah will remain on earth forever, where many joys--far more lasting than mere fleshly pleasures of this world--will be experienced for eternity. How thankful we will be when that day comes, if we loyally remain morally clean in the service of Jehovah.