What would you think if?

by getingout 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • ISP

    What about Xmas and oral sex? Are those connected? Probably in some households...


  • Francois

    Why would you want a "friend" back who shunned you because sixteen senile octagenarians in Brooklyn said they couldn't associate with you? That's a friend?

    There's NOTHING the WTBTS could do that would lure me back. In fact, I have to thank them for opening my eyes to the evils of organized religion. The JWs are just an extreme example. IMO, all organized religions are in service to themselves and to their particular orthodoxies.

    I am directly related to God: I am his child. I am directly related to Jesus: I am his brother. And I am directly related to all of you: the universal fatherhood of God makes the universal brotherhood of all inescapeable. And no religious "club" should ever be allowed to change these releasing truths.


  • Gopher

    Hi gettingout,

    or is it getingout?

    Welcome to the board! And thanks for sharing, even crazy thoughts. Hey you gotta start somewhere!!

    You asked,

    If a dud came to your door and said, we no longer shun ex members let's become friends again

    If the WT said the preaching work has ended.

    Did you mean DUD or DUDE? I was quite a dud as a preacher myself. Started some studies, but never brought anybody into the organization. Maybe I was evil all along.

    But if the preaching work had already ended, what would this dud/dude be doing at my door anyhow? Would he be doing an un-preaching work?

    Your later questions asked, What if the WT said this or that? Well they have already led me down the garden path so many times, with their twists and turns of logic and sheer tomfoolery, that I won't start to believe them now, even if they said the sun rises in the east and sets in the west! The WT no longer guides me. I have to go by conscience and common-sense now. No organization is going to come and tell me they're so smart and I'm so helpless that I need their guidance!

    And this is all true, despite the fact that I dearly miss my parents, grandparent, and lifelong friends I once had who are still JW adherents.

    Hope to hear more from you, gettingout. Thanks for the thought provoking post!

    GopherWhy shouldn't truth be stranger than fiction? Fiction, after all, has to make sense.
    Mark Twain (1835-1910)

  • Adonai438

    If a dud came to your door and said, we no longer shun ex members let's become friends again=
    OK - Lets talk about the Bible.

    If the WT said the preaching work has ended.
    I'd say- wheres Jesus?

    If WT encouraged the members to vote in all elections
    good for you.

    If the blood ban was removed
    About time! The unbiblical ban has killed to many as it is.

    If the WT annouced it was okay to celebrate holidays.
    Yipee- doesn't mean you are christians. (most)Holidays are originally to commemorate or celebrate the true God, Yahweh, anyway so I don't think they would ever be ok with celebrating.

    If the WT said, more than 144,000 will live in heaven
    The 144,000 are still Jewish and lets talk.

    How would you react towards witnesses? Would you consider going back, think it was a trick, what?
    I would act the same-- Respectful but respectfully disagree.
    Most of their teachings are not in the Bible- their explanations sound good but when you read the Bible they are not there.
    With just the above things changed I would not 'go back' because they are still mistaken on who God is- the whole trinity debate which is the most imporatant doctrine that needs changing.

  • Marilyn

    I'd ask for an official apology and then I'd sue them for 20 yrs of heart ache and lost years with my family.

    Guess hell is going to freeze over first!

    welcome to the board btw

  • getingout

    Why would you want a "friend" back who shunned you because sixteen senile octagenarians in Brooklyn said they couldn't associate with you? That's a friend? Francois

    You don'tthink you could forgive? what if it was a family member?

  • SEAKEN2001

    >If a dud came to your door and said, we no longer shun ex members let's become friends again

    >If the WT said the preaching work has ended.

    >If WT encouraged the members to vote in all elections

    >If the blood ban was removed

    >If the WT annouced it was okay to celebrate holidays.

    >If the WT said, more than 144,000 will live in heaven

    >How would you react towards witnesses? Would you consider going back, think it was a trick, what?

    I would have no problem renewing a relationship. Don't know if we could ever make it to friends. That would depend on how open-minded the person was. I've gone pretty far away from what I once believed as a dub.

    I would never go back to join the religion. On a social level, maybe. And yes, I'd suspect it was a trick to win me over and get me back in line for salvation. They can think whatever they want. I don't need saving.


  • Erich


    If the WT said the preaching work has ended.[quote]
    [quote] >I'd be excited because the end is here.>

    Hi sexyteen.
    What do you mean?
    Do you mean you `d be excited, because there is
    a)the end of the world in armageddon or
    b)the end of preaching work ?
    Please precise it.

  • nelly136

    it would make little difference to me what they say or what they change,
    nothing would incite me to go back,

    the voting bit interests me, i found this in australian parliament search, I've kept cut and paste to a minimum as I'm not sure how copyright thingy stands for that site, I cant put a direct link because its has a time limit

    . http://search.aph.gov.au/search/ watchtower

    2nd search result title down the list,
    Discussion: Conduct of the 1998 federal election and matters related thereto: Joint Committee on Electoral Matters

    Did they find that the 250 Jehovah's Witnesses and Plymouth Brethren had voted?
    The president of the Watchtower said that people had voted, and they know.

    not knowing much about politics I have no idea what this is about

  • Erich

    Okay nelly.

    If they (JW`s) are allowed by the WTS to vote in a "worldly" democratic election, they actually must have permission to vote in a "theocratic" election too... isn`t it so?...lol

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