Also, thanks for a new word for the word of the day thread!
by compound complex 42 Replies latest social entertainment
Also, thanks for a new word for the word of the day thread!
Thanks for sharing your gift, CoCo. I was touched by this story. (I had just finished reading my morning emails and one of them closed with these words: We are not human beings going through a temporary spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings going through a temporary human experience.) I was still wrapped in the feeling that those words invoked, when I opened your thread and was doubly touched by the sheer beauty of the words you used to paint the emotional experience of dear Sarah. Beautiful.
CO CO, - hi where have you been? We have missed you.
At first I thought you were writing about your self, so when I came to the part about you looking in the mirror and "...seeing yourself as an assured, matured woman" ... wow that woke me up! lol
Sorry about that, sort of preoccupied these days, I am dealing(is that the word?) with someone who is actually standing and ..... looking into that glass.
"Look again. There is nothing to fear. It is your husband
Jonathan and your son Quentin. They've come to take
you home"
Thank you....
His writing keeps you guessing!
Just when you think you've got it, BOOM!, he throws in something unexpected!
A little something on the side: In her more somber moments, my mother used to sing two old spirituals, Just Look Over Yonder and It's Gettin' Late In the Evening.
I tried to find them under Negro Spirituals, but was unsuccessful.
The melodies were semi-dark and haunting.
Your story brought them back to my mind.
Thanks, everyone. Your comments mean so much to me!
Beautifully done!
I immediately was transfixed by the familiarity of the tone of the piece, CoCo. I easily put the voice of Chris Goringe reading Poe's 'Raven' in the words. Or perhaps the 'Telltale Heart'.
Thank you for sharing. Your writing always pleases.
Thank you, Jeff!
I really appreciate your reading this and commenting. As a matter of fact, I have recently finished reading those two pieces by Poe, both of which inspired other dark tales of mine.
Gothic Rules!
Coco- Awesome! Please do yourself, us and possably millions of others a favor, get some of your writing published. You are a wonderful writer! ...(Carvin).....Here, here.....
CoCo's stories must be read in thyeir entirity. Each word, phrase, senetce must be absored. You cannot skip read any of them, no matter the lenght.
" ...touched by the sheer beauty of the words you used to paint the emotional experience of dear Sarah. Beautiful." ...(journy on)....
This "thing" of fear that is seen to be ugly becomes beauty, not to be feared. How many times have we, as individuals, never looked past a thing to the beauty that is truely there, looked through what is precived as replusive to the beauty and peace we desire? Sarah will rest now in the arms of her beloved, lonely and frearsome no longer. Well done CoCo. A Jongular of the frist degree...
Thank you, Quentin.
I was looking forward to your coming by, reading, replying. I value your thoughts very much.
Written or unwritten rule among writers, I'm not certain, but I try to show rather than merely tell. Maybe it's a combo here of the two elements as Sarah, the narrator, is telling. The transformation of beast into beauty is showing.
What I love about Beauty and the Beast is that Belle is unselfish and loving, and that totally beyond deceptive outward appearances. We know her reward. Likewise, that coming to Sarah. They both passed the test.
With gratitude,