Even in the study article about singing from the new song book.
15. As time passes, refinements are made in
our understanding of the Scriptures. Proverbs
4:18 says: “The path of the righteous
ones is like the bright light that is getting
lighter and lighter until the day is firmly established.”
Increased light inevitably leads
to adjustments in the way in which we ‘sing
the truth.’ For the past 25 years, Jehovah’s
Witnesses in many lands have enjoyed using
the songbook entitled Sing Praises to Jehovah.
_ In the years since that book was first
published, the light has been getting brighter
on a number of topics, and some of the
expressions used in that songbook have become
outdated. For example, we no longer
speak of “the new order” but of “the new
world.” And we now state that Jehovah’s
name will be “sanctified,” not “vindicated.”
Clearly, from a doctrinal standpoint, there
has been a need to bring our songbook up to-
In other words , because our teachings keep changing we even have to alter the words in our songbook.
Otherwise you might start to question.
Under the picture on page 23 of a congregation singing.
It says : Do you discourage your children from leaving
their seat unnecessarily during the song?
Now the poor kids can't even get a break from the boredom.