I want to thank you

by mouthy 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • mouthy

    For hugging me on Lady Lee site ...My daughter that is out of the Wt
    was on a ATV bike & twisted her leg( Sue)she has had a big operation stiched from knee to ankle
    I told her NOT to go on it .She is 61 yrs old .But does anyone every listen to MOUTHY!????

    NO!!! But it is nice to know you put up with me....I thank you all for being the family ( besides my Sue)
    that does send me your love .I really mean it.to all

  • laverite

    We love you Mouthy!!!!!!!!!! ((((((((((((( MOUTHY ))))))))))))). You are lovely and one of a kind. I so wish we could all hang out. How lucky Sue is to have you for a mom. (Glad she's not hurt too badly. OMG, I am twenty some years younger than she is and I would NOT get on an ATV!!!!) lol. She's BRAVE.



  • tec


    We all need people to love us - and to show that they do every once in a while :)

    I'm kinda grinning at your 61 year old daughter though, (minus the injury and operation, mind you) AND you're very motherly complaint:

    But does anyone every listen to MOUTHY!????

    Love you,


  • mouthy

    Tec & Laverite ,this message was started for you both,couldnt remember your names whenI started it
    DEMENTIA LOL((((((((((((((((HUGS))))))))Back

  • laverite

    LOL Mouthy. I am the same way -- moments of dementia. You are an inspiration.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Actually Grace (((SUE))) but I will give one to you too (((Grace)))

    She emailed me and told me about it. Good thing she has lots help around her. Hopefully the Drs were able to do a good job repairing the damage to her knee.

  • mouthy

    Oh I didnt know Lee ....Thanks

  • Snoozy

    Most 61 year olds are having heart surgeries..not that what she did was good but it does deserve bragging rights for her age..lol

    Snoozy..thinking about going roller skating at 68..

  • GLTirebiter

    Have fun Snoozy, but wear your helmet and knee pads just in case!

  • VampireDCLXV

    Maybe I don't know you that well yet, (I'm still kinda new here) but you seem like a really swell lady. There's gotta be something to ya if you've been here for this long. Oh, and you're a canuck too; I likey!


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