Did you have a good day today?

by asilentone 59 Replies latest jw friends

  • VampireDCLXV

    Oh, don't go there! (Okay, go there if you want. I'll grab some popcorn...)


  • miseryloveselders

    I'm gonna hit the sack before he comes in here...........

    G'night all, and may none of you have peace!!!

  • VampireDCLXV



  • Snoozy

    Rooster is in the house?

    Well my day was fine..sorry I missed a "Drag Queen" parade. That would have been entertaining..not. I used to see enough of them on "The Maury show". Why do the lowest form of life always show up on that show now? I can handle the Drag Queens with some form of intelligence but the ones on there are mostly unbelievaby wierd!

    And the scary part is there are actually ones like that walking around!

    What I did see today was, after shoping I stopped at a little place called Iggy's. It is a frozen yogurt stand here in my area and I always get a childs size twist cone when I go there..that way I don't eat as much..

    Anyway, I am sitting in my car because there are too many bugs flying around and eating (and enjoying) my cone when this car pulls up, A heavy set woman (so it made a bigger impression) and her man get out. What was amusing was that she had her big white bride dress on and he was dressed in a white tuxedo! Then when he got behind her and held up her train so it wouldn't get dirty (while she was walking)I almost lost it. It looked like he was looking up her dress..

    Course he wasn't . he was being a caring and thoughtfull new hubby.

    But I so wanted to hear their story of why they stopped at a "Frozen yogurt stand" after they were apparently just married.

    But it was amusing adding to my fun day. Earlier I had a call from one of my daughters telling me that she had a hornet from hell chasing her into the house on her back deck. Everytime she went out to get the book she was reading out there he came after her again!.

    She found the nest over her front door and is calling the bug man Monday!!!
    She can only have the outside sprayed as she is the one that is just getting over Lyme disease and she can't have any pesticides sprayed in her home. Poor thing is also terrified of spiders..in the house!..

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    I planted potatos between storms, so I suppose you could call it a good day.

    Do you want me to send you some?

    How was your crop this year?

  • asilentone

    Can you send me some potatos to my home address in the USA for free?

  • snowbird

    LOL at everybody on this here thread!

    Tammy, I see you've got a lot to learn about Black people's humor.

    Shelby, that was a funny story.

    Misery, as Mammy would have said, you is a bad 'un.

    I had a sour day, nothing in particular that set me off, just a blah day.


  • moshe

    I felt better after sundown yesterday and the end to our Jewish Yom Kippur fast. We had concluding service at Temple and then a nice break-the-fast meal in the social hall with everyone.

  • VampireDCLXV


    Today was kinda blah as well...


  • EmptyInside

    Well, I went to the meeting at a different hall. My brother gave the talk and I promised my mother I would take her.

    But, the Watchtower study was just awful. The brother conducting was so boring. You wouldn't believe how many long, awkward pauses there were during the study. And the funny part of it was, in conclusion he commended everyone on the lively lesson. I hate to think what their usual studies are like.

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