Many people have self-perception problems. This is a human thing, not particularly "christian". For example: A person may consider themselves generous "I would give you the shirt off my back" type....In reality they are really only disposed to help others if they gain something in return.
They may consider themselves very friendly, but will only keep to "their own kind" in social situations.
They may say, "My best friends are black", but they if they had to name names would say...."My cousin's neighbor is black".
They may say, " I hate fags", when in reality they are Bi or gay.
My point is, hypcricy is not linked to Christianity. It is of the human race....For whatever reason it seems to be more closely scrutinized as religious. I think it crosses all classes, ethnicities, nations, and religions. We as a species seem to harbor hypocricies. Is hypocrices a word? LOL. Anyways, thats my two.