Has Anyone Had The Experience? "The Secret"

by titch 12 Replies latest jw experiences

  • titch

    I'd like to get some input and insight from anyone here who has had the experience of having their life transformed, in some way, by reading and applying the principles found in the book, "The Secret", authored by Rhonda Byrne. A few months ago, a thread was started by someone, concerning this book, and I don't remember who started the thread. My apologies for that! But, I bought the book about 3 years ago, after reading about it in the newspaper, and read it myself. It seems to me that it is conveying the idea that "positive attracts positive", and "negative attracts negative." So, everything that is happening, or has happened in your life, is the direct result of either positive or negative thinking or "energy". So, my question is, has anyone read that book, and had any transformations in their life, by applying the principles propounded in that book? It seems to me that it is just so much "wishful thinking." Like this idea: Just think positively about checks, written out to you, will suddenly, magically, appear in your mail box today or tomorrow, if you just think positively about that happening. Yeah, right. The only time that checks appear in my mailbox is when I actually do some gainful work for them! They don't just "magically appear" there by thinking positively that they will arrive in my mailbox. (Actually, all that I receive is a "direct deposit" statement from an employer---not an actual negotiable check. But, that's beside the point!) So, anyone out there, have you been affected in a postive way by reading that book, and applying its ideas? Thanks in advance for your comments!


  • thenoblelodge

    Yeah I have but to be honest with you I think the only one making money by positive thinking is the author.

    Good read though if you do have a negative outlook (but like I've said don't expect the money to come rolling in).

  • poopsiecakes

    I think that, like everything else in life, you can't take anything too seriously. But I will say that I own the DVD of 'The Secret' and I'll watch it every once in a while because I do believe that thinking positively can never be a bad thing. It has taught me to take responsibility for my own thoughts and actions and to let go of trying to over-analyse other people's decisions. We all make choices every day and I feel that by making decisions using a positive spin is beneficial on a lot of levels. There's nothing wrong with giving others the benefit of the doubt and living life with a positive outlook. I also learned that bitterness and negativity only hurts the person feeling those emotions so I've let go of all of that and I'm a much happier person because of it.

    ...just my 2 cents...

  • nancy drew
    nancy drew

    My take on this is yes you can think and visulize all you want but it has to spur you on the push for what you want for example if you want a job go after i apply for just about anything thats even close to what you want become ocd about it make it happen exert your will on the universe.

    if you sit in your easy chair and dream it probably won't happen. You do visualize then you go after it full scale and force the universe to give it to you and I have seen that work but it takes focus and energy.

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    being free of JW life I don't want to thing anything is the answer! I read the book and watched the dvd because my biological mother wrote a book and that "secret" was such an insperation to her I felt i needed to know what she was talking about. I take it with a grain of salt. I think being + will make you a better person but not solve every problem you have. there is no easy answer. but + life is always good

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    I'm dsyslexic so if i don't spell that good give me a break please

  • jwfacts

    The Secret was a great money making scheme for the people behind it, as are all positive thinking lectures. Though there is definite benefit in positive thinking, but it is absolute nonsense to think there is cosmic realignment to fulfil your positive thoughts and desires.

  • Liberty93

    You can affect the universe. But it takes quite a bit more than thinking about bunnies.

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Hmmm, yeah, tell that to the staving children in Africa.

  • titch

    Thanks for the input, so far, folks. You've left me with some thoughtful ideas to consider. And, Found Sheep, you expressed your thoughts quite well, without any spelling problems that I can detect. So, thanks, everyone. Any other thoughts from others are still welcome.


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