Seriously, genuinely helpful "prayer" is nothing more than honest, positive 'self talk'. It's good to have a bare knuckles conversation with yourself when you know what's right and wrong. Ego, face saving and pride can be dropped from your mind and then all you have to do is listen to yourself.
What prayers does God answer?
by jwfacts 76 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
believingxjw - Obviously, God does not answer all prayers. Or to put it another way all prayers are not answered within the timeframe the petitioner would like them to be answered in.
That does answer the question. The question is what prayers does he answer?
Well, according to some Witnesses I know, Jehovah answers prayers for vacations, winter coats, and my all- time favorite, finding missing car keys and important pieces of paper.
This leaves him too busy to prevent natural disasters, protecting abused children,and curing ones with serious illnesses. But, this is all part of Satan's system of things, so we must suffer through it, until the new system. But, apparently, not without our car keys.
When a friend in my congregation would go to the markets and find some piece of clothing that she could decide if she really liked or not, she would pray to God that if it was still there at the end of the day she would buy it. I used to think that was a bit a of a stretch of God's time. It was also counter-intuitive - if it was still there it probably meant it was not nice enough that other people wanted to buy it.
Obviously God answers the prayers which are in his view necessary. Those that are required for his will to be done on earth.
I used to think that was a bit a of a stretch of God's time
Omnipotence and omnipresence isn't limited by time.
believingxjw - I do not find it obvious. If you say it is just prayers required to do his will, then most prayers will not be answered. What are those prayers and why do things that appear to be in line with his will not get answered? For instance:
- JWs that have car accidents on the way to the convention
- JW's murdered whilst witnessing
- Countries that are under ban
Obviously God answers the prayers which are in his view necessary.
Because "obviously" God answers "some" prayers? Why are you making this audacous assumption?
Another logical fallacy is "praying for someone" - although I do reccomend it for yourself, there is no way God does something just because a lot of people prayed for it.
That would mean the more friends you have the better chance you have of surviving cancer!
By observation of most religions the prayers answered are the ones when you leave some money for him