Nonetheless, God is sovereign and can make all things work for his purposes, even when that is not the intent of the actor.
I just don't see this happening today, do you?
The Bible is full of paradoxes- predestination or freewill? Of course there has to be predestination or else God is not sovereign. But giving up freewill is too hard for believers to stomach, so they attempt to use gimmicks to get around this paradox.
God told the Jews he would deliver them from Egypt to the promised land- except he didn't, they died in the wilderness and it was their children who entered Caanan. The Jews were afraid they would all die in the wilderness, God said they wouldn't, but they did die, so God, who could see into the future had to know this was going to happen. So, did God lie to the Jews in order to get them to leave Egypt?
Just one sin can get you killed by God- one sin kept Moses out of the promised land, but David sinned and sinned and he is held up as a model of faith. One sin, that is all it takes.
The OT Bible, says the soul that sins will die - the wages of sin is death. All JWs have heard that line- except, that can't be true, otherwise Jesus can't be the Lamb that takes away the sin of the world, (we each die for our own sin) or maybe it IS true, and Jesus can't do what he said he can do. Are there examples in the Bible that show God says he will do thing and then he does another- yes, plenty of them.
The NT Bible says you can be saved by faith in Jesus, but it also says, faith without works is dead. Round and round believers go, trying to reconcile that one. ( The WT uses this paradox to keep it's followers in line- meetings, service, etc,. = good works)
Jesus said the end would be just like the days of Noah, except, just 2000 miles away was Oetzi, the iceman mummy buried in a glacier on top of a 10,000 ft mountain, hundreds of years (5300 years ago) before the worldwide suppsoedly flood occurred- or did it? Jesus either didn't know about Oetzi (the son of man should have), or he knew and lied about the scope of the flood anyway, which means day of judgment will not be a worldwide event after all.
God has had plenty of opportunites to show his sovereignty- but we have heard nothing, nadda, zip, which to me is another paradox for Christians there is. Just how long will mankind wait for a promised promise, that is based only on copies of non-eyewitness written commentary? Even the book of the Mormon has eyewitnesses. Surely God wouldn't let a cult upstage his word, or does he even care? Another paradox- If God is said by the Bible to inspire the writers of the Gospel, then why couldn't he keep the orginal autograph writings safe/intact, just so we didn't get his teachings all mucked up by copies and by scribes who wanted to doctor the story in order to make it better. Well, God could have, IF he is sovereign and it was important to his purpose. Apparently, the Gospels weren't.