As someone who is Wiccan, I do not have a problem with someone in politics like O'Donnell saying she did witchcraft in the background. However, I must say, I think she is full of crap. As if she did 'date a witch' like she said ... she would not have had her first date on a 'satanic alter.' It sounds to me like she dated a 'Satanist.' Which is not Wicca and not related to witchcraft. Wiccan (witches) do not believe in Satan. Satan is a Christian belief and Wicca is not an offspring of Christianity. Not related in the least. While I know Christians do not want to become educated on Wicca, as they think it is evil. I would really appreciate it, if the media would point out this fact about that 'Satanic alter.' If people really want a good idea of what Wicca really is, research it online, library or other books. It is not Satanic, not Harry Potter and frankly not scarry.
What wrong with being a witch?
by free2beme 27 Replies latest jw friends
Isn't Wicca a nature based religion, sort of like native american beliefs?
There is nothing wrong with this.....i have been a pagan for many years. And there
are several on this board, and i'm sure more..that don't tell!
but it is much more than the harry potter movies...and the
"stigma" from the media doesn't's nothing like the movies!!
I agree. I've been doing some research into Witchcraft and Wicca and it in no way resembles any thing satanic or Harry Potterish. To me Wicca seems to be so much more spiritual than Christianity...but that's me.
So they've lied about the health care bill, Obama's birth place and religion, taxes, unions, mosques at ground zero, socialism, communism, fascism......... etc. etc. etc. Now they've lied about Wicca. Damn! Those right wing bastards!
Hi free2beme!
Been looking for you for a while... Could you elaborate more on this in MY thread? PLEASE? Pretty please?
(I've heard that Zid has stepped on your toes but...)
Darth plaugeis
I think I can Answer this Question with a Video.......
Darth plaugeis
Go ASK ALICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I've dabbled with various things for years. If I go to hell, at least the company will be good.
Darth plaugeis
Saving you a Seat Violia.. if I go First that is LOL