Writer's Block

by compound complex 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    He has been reading, absorbing, the literary light from an age past, yet not one so far removed from his very own.

    When, once again, ready to put his thoughts to paper, the writer shall do so, not with the puerile urgency of earlier days, but with a reserve and a deliberation more characteristic of his enlightened today. Levels of inspiration lowering degree by degree, he has been completely drained of any thought, any emotion, that would otherwise be siphoned from the mind's well of ink now stoppered. Such reflections and reveries must patiently await the gentle transfer to an empty page, given life, only then, by print.

    Minus a clever mechanical facility, this man abandoned cannot prime the pump, get it chugging and, thus, replenish the mind's reservoir, which has been allowing only a trickle of scribbled mediocrity to escape sparingly. For that reason, the crestfallen writer will away to the pages of other writers' books in hopes of discovering a light to replace his own failed.

  • snowbird

    Or, perhaps the writer will do as other muses have done before - turn to the sacred Scriptures, notably the psalms, for inspiration.

    I'll wager that it will be from the psalmist David's well that the writer will draw most heavily.

    In his numerous psalms, David, a deeply flawed, sensitive, sensual, sensuous soul, plagued by human failings and foibles, bared his innermost thoughts and desires. I believe it's only the hardest and jaded of heart that will remain unmoved by his paeans.

    The most beloved of all, the 23rd Psalm, speaks to humanity in a way that transcends race, culture, and class. The 8th Psalm asks the question that has once passed the lips of all: Why do YOU bother with us? The 51st Psalm showcases a man who is deeply contrite and repentant over an egregious error in judgment.

    Who of us has not experienced like situations? Who of us can truthfully say that these sentiments do not resonate with us?

    Here's hoping the suffering writer will return from that well refreshed, rejuvenated, and yes, revivified.


  • mrsjones5

    *sigh* I've always been a tad jealous of a writer's mind.

  • snowbird

    Hey, Josie.


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Hi Josie,

    Nice to see you. Sigh as you may, a writer's mind can make life hell. I do appreciate your sentiment, however.


    Hi, too, Syl:

    Seems I've totally forgotten my roots. Bible not yet in hand, I recall Psalms 31 and 34 once filling me with hope. When in service, I wanted to cheer people with such refreshing words, not blather on and on about FF's convoluted theological constructs.

    I will begin reading again the hagiographia we both revere.


  • snowbird

    not blather on and on about FF's convoluted theological constructs.

    Don't I know!

    Beautiful psalms, the both of them.

    Psalm 31:5 Into Your Hands I commend my spirit - messianic

    Psalm 34:20 Not a bone will be broken - also messianic


  • hamsterbait

    i deal with writers block this way:

    Sit down, pen in hand. keep the pen moving at all times. If I cant think what to write, I write "I CANT THINK WHAT TO WRITE" repeatedly, until something (it doesnt matter) comes into my mind, then I write that.

    If then I cannot think WTW, I write the same, or what other bit I just thought of over and over.

    Once your unconscious mind realises that you will not stop pestering it, it gives up on its silly games of "Chase Me" and "Boo HOO" and starts producing the goods.

    Another way is to only write for a set length of time, and then STOP -even if you are inspired.


  • Gregor

    Contemplate this photo of a Victorian parlor. It puts me in mind of your writing style, CoCo. I mean that in a good way. You are kind of 180 from, say, a Mickey Spillane! I can only imagine the effort it takes to create the elaborate constructs of your musings.

  • hamsterbait

    I love Coco's style. Just reading it seems to cast a spell, and I am carried out of this mundane quotidian existence, to where ideas and just the savor of ideas is so much sweeter.

    I dont think anybody could imitate him. Did you know he composes music too?


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Thanks very much, Hamsterbait and Gregor, for advice and encouragement I will both put to use and let serve as a reminder. Sometimes the words flow, yet, other times, ...

    I'm curious, though, Gregor: how did you find that published photo of my home's interior?

    Actually, there is one out there.



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