I believe Dr. Jerry Bergman is the one that told that story as a first hand account. He is pretty well respect, I think. Forget where I heard it, might have been a youtube video with him in it? Or it might have been on one of the six screens of the watchtower conference calls where Rick played audio of Dr. Bergman speaking. not sure.
Baby(ies) Died From Heat At Convention?
by snowbird 36 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Where were the conventions held in the PA area...I've heard stories on here about this...but I can't confirm.
Here's one...
The post that mentions babies dying from heat stroke or exhaustion at the assemblies comes from MCSEMike, page one, towards the bottom of the page, fourth paragraph in his post...:
(his post starts out...)
"Very good points, I quit. At all the meetings, and especially the conventions, we always see a family interviewed who just LOVE field service. But they are "being paid". They are not typical. I have a degree in Psychology. Of course the kid is depressed. ..."
And here's paragraph four, in its entirety...
"If the kid wants to be a JW when he turns 18, fine. It's his life to throw away. But parents don't have the right to inflict this abuse on helpless children. If the kid argues, he's beat by the father "with the rod". I used to see this all the time at the conventions when I worked security. I know now, since I've been out for years, that if I ever see ANY child hit with a stick, I'm taking the father out. I've seen infants and toddlers SLAPPED ACROSS THE FACE in 100 degree heat because they wouldn't sit still. I knew of babies dying in the sun because their parents were too stupid to sit in the shade."It's Jehovah's will that we be here for this spiritual food." The only food they deserve is bread and water, served 3 times daily in prison. ..."
That's the first one I came to... I know I've read a few other posts with similar comments...
I used the search "babies dying at conventions" to find that.
I can't find anything to corroborate this. If this actually happened it would have been major news and would be used on every ex-jw site you visit.
Another poster talked about her personal experiences with this type of tragedy; I still haven't been able to find her post but I clearly remember reading it as a FIRST-person account...
Who on-board is a registered nurse???
There are several of us nurses on the board!
Well, heck...
I've been digging and digging, and I haven't been able to find it yet. I asked about registered nurses because I think the person making the first-person-experience-with-babies-dying-due-to-heat was a registered nurse and also female, if I remember correctly...
Sorry I haven't been able to find it, guys... But it's out there - I distinctly remember reading it...
I remember hearing or reading a first person account about this by Dr. Jerry Bergman...will try to find.
Edit to add: I think it may be here, but I don't have time to listen to the whole video again.
I remember hearing that a newborn baby died at a Chicago convention in the early 70's- my wife and i remarked that a baby a few week sold waqs too young for that. I have been unable to confirm the story through news sources.
St George of England
Here in the UK it does not normally get that hot, but once at Crystal Palace, probably late 1980's or early 1990's it was particularly hot. All through the sessions there were warnings read out about sunstroke and keeping young children especially, out of the sun. Water was brought round during the sessions even and people encouraged to drink regularly.