The Bedbugs are coming....

by Snoozy 29 Replies latest social current

  • hopeful4eva

    I had to write lol.... I recently got married and as hubby had been out at work, we decided a night in a honeymoon suite was all we needed, lol!!

    It was a beautiful room, hot tub, fireplace ...anyway I woke up in the morning covered in little bumps. A couple of Day passed and the bites became red and very swollen, itchy as hell too. I went to our walk in clinic because the pain was almost too much. I was COVERED in bites...I counted 24 in total. I am still on antibiotic ointment (since August 3rd )and I have about 4 that just will not heal!! I never even felt the suckers bite me!!!

    The Dr told me to burn EVERYTHING that we took to the hotel that night.

  • Sam Whiskey
    Sam Whiskey

    Hopeful, how long ago was that?

  • hopeful4eva

    Just this past August, we stayed at the hotel only for 1 night. August 1st, but it took a week for the bites to become too much for me to handle lol!!!

  • wasblind

    On my Judge show that I was watching, the expert said to put the clothing in a plastic bag and leave it in a hot car.

  • skeeter1

    Yep, there was a library contaminated with bed bugs last week or so. Had to be fumigated. Imagine if you took a library book home . . .

  • wasblind

    Oh yea,

    I have a habit of reading library books in bed, that's gonna change now.

  • Darth plaugeis
  • Snoozy

    I saw that they have a small trailer that comes out and you can put your mattress in it. It gets hot and kills the bugs in the mattress. They also are trying freezing them. They said the average to get rid of them by a professional is $1,000.

    I hate bugs, I mean really hate them. It makes me want to stay home and not touch anyone or anything out of my home..

    One time a girlfriend (jw) and I went to a garage sale and on the way home she noticed something crawling on the clothes she had just purchased there. She screams and said OMG it's lice!
    She tells me to pull over me thinking she was going to throw them away. The idiot puts them in my trunk..and we drove to her house. She got out and said she was going to bleach her clothes and keep them. I on the other hand threw everything away and scrubbed my car inside and out and took a bath and washed everything I had on!

    I no longer have the desire to go to a garage sale unless I know the person really well..and now I don't think I would even do that.


    ps..Darth and the heat

    And I wonder if you can make someone pay the expense of getting rid of them if you get them from that person/place?
    Also I wonder how long it takes to find out you have a problem if you carry one home or someone brings one to you?

    Wasblind..did they win?

  • wasblind

    No i don't have any snoozy, eww Darth that gives me the chills

  • Snoozy

    Wasblind..I meant the TV Judge show, did they win their case?

    That's why I mentioned I wonder if you can sue someone if they give you bedbugs..

    Snoozy..who's glad you were spared from those evil little critters..

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