Has This Site Ever Hurt You In Your Journey Out Of The JW Religion?

by minimus 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • sir82


    There was a long time poster here named Trevor who made post after post about his wife who was dying of a terminal illness, There was a lot of emotional investment by a lot of posters. Some even went so far, I believe, to send him money for something or other (medical treatments?).

    Her condition improved, then went down, then up, then down, and so on. One day finally the wife died, and the board went into mourning.

    Soon thereafter, Trevor admitted it was all some sort of bizarre twisted joke. There was no wife, no illness, no nothing - he just made it up and played it out. Not only that, he kind of posted the reveal as a "you all are a bunch of idiotic suckers for believing it" post.

    I think it stretched over years.

  • Magnum
    sir82, thanks. Wow!
  • done4good


    There was a long time poster here named Trevor who made post after post about his wife who was dying of a terminal illness, There was a lot of emotional investment by a lot of posters. Some even went so far, I believe, to send him money for something or other (medical treatments?).

    Her condition improved, then went down, then up, then down, and so on. One day finally the wife died, and the board went into mourning.

    Soon thereafter, Trevor admitted it was all some sort of bizarre twisted joke. There was no wife, no illness, no nothing - he just made it up and played it out. Not only that, he kind of posted the reveal as a "you all are a bunch of idiotic suckers for believing it" post.

    I think it stretched over years.

    It was even worse than that. The fake wife was a new poster, (with her own identity on the board). She was a recent learner of the TTATT, hooked up with Trevor, they married, then yet another 3rd fake person was also added to the mix, (with her own identity on the board). She too learned TTATT, then the fake wife became sick, in and out of the hospital, then died.

    If I remember correctly, Nathan Natas somehow figured out that the whole thing was BS, and called Trevor on it. He took a lot of flack for this at first, by those who were sympathetic to the fake wife. Soon the whole thing was uncovered and Nathan was vindicated. Very, very, ugly, and many were emotionally attached to the whole thing. I am not that much of a touchy feely guy, and I stayed away from here for months because of it.


  • FayeDunaway

    Wow. Maybe Trevor has moved to Nigeria and found a new living. :)

    thats awful tho, that someone would take advantage of other people like that. He probably was in desperate need of attention....and then when he was exposed, slammed everyone for being gullible, to inflate his own ego.

    Thanks for filling us newbies in.

  • minimus
    Nathan Natas is a great guy! One sharp poster.

    Nathan Natas is a great guy! One sharp poster.

    Nate is a "Bullshit Detector"..

    The guy is Absolutely Deadly when it comes to Spotting Bullshit..

  • NewYork44M


    I assume you are referring to some occasional rudeness and heated discussions - perhaps your fear is that this might turn off would-be apostates.

    I generally avoid contentious discussions and the few contentious posters, So for me, this has been a very positive experience.

  • vinman

    I will not be posting anymore comments starting now. This is based on my last post. I personally don't believe this is the best healing spot. At first it was good. It was nice to express yourself as to why you are leaving the Watchtower. However, I don't need other "faithful slaves" trying to teach me their dogma. I didn't come here to become an atheist or agnostic. I am not a man that had a problem going door to door if it was God's will. I didn't complain about all those meetings if it were God's house. True, I am seeing that it is not God's house. We all left for different reasons. I am not an arrogant man who left because I want to do things that we were taught not to do (like party, watch horror films, etc.) I left because I discovered that the Watchtower is not being honest about it's history and that opened up a can of worms that wouldn't stop. I wish this forum could be filtered based on age and how much we were vested. Just because you were a Bethelite, elder, pioneer, missionary,etc. does not mean you are vested with your heart. That is the real problem with the Watchtower, many of them are not. They can talk organization day and night, but they have very little to say about Jehovah or Jesus as persons. They simply are machines. I still believe many don't know what a true believer is. If you have anything that you want to say, feel free to send it to my box. But this will be my last post in this forum.

  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot
    vinman, sorry if I offended you in any way.
  • bsmart


    Take a break, it happens. You may well be back...our journey takes many detours. I always call it the scenic route.

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