What has the mercury in my fillings cured me from, please?
From learning how to answer a question, apparently. But if you must know, from rotting teeth and bacteria and infection killing you. Of course, that question has exactly zero to do with what I wrote.You fail.
Why so much evidence of autism/aspergers/ADD of late and especially in this younger generation?
Uh, geez, because diagnosis has gotten much better much recently and new genetic disorders that can cause it have been discovered. But again, that has exactly zero to do with what I wrote. You fail.
How many cancers do you suppose might be caused by over exposure to x-ray from excessive and unnecessary procedures?
Less than are cured by new treatments, but again, that has zero to do with what I wrote. You fail.
Why do I still get cavaties when there should be enough flouride in the water to cure this?
Because cavities are not 100% prevented by flouride and it certainly doesn't "cure" them. There are many environmental and genetic factors at play that you clearly do not understand. Of course, that has exactly zero to do with what I wrote. You fail.