Forgive the Watchtower!

by sabastious 63 Replies latest jw friends

  • undercover

    Hey, a newbie!

    ...said the newbie...

  • brotherdan

    I know it may not seem like a lot since you have over 10,000 posts...but I think you can qualify as no longer being a newbie after 1000 or so. Right? Bastard...


    Maybe someone could explain. What did the Watchtower do?.....Spade

    They Lied..A lot..

    ....................... ...OUTLAW

  • undercover
    but I think you can qualify as no longer being a newbie after 1000 or so. Right? Bastard...

    Aw....c'mon BD... can't you forgive an old curmudgeon?

    This is the 'let's all get happy and forgive' thread, right?



    Maybe someone could explain. What did the Watchtower do?

    They produced you!

    Please correct me if I'm wrong and introduce yourself.

  • brotherdan

    Hey, I listed you as one of my top 10 posters. So I can't hate you for long!

  • undercover
    Hey, I listed you as one of my top 10 posters.

    Wow... I made a top ten list. Cool beans!

    wait... you're not David Letterman are you?

  • watersprout

    Forgiveness is nothing to do with allowing the other party to get away with what they have done...''To forgive'' means to let go of the pain they have caused ''you''...It means that by ''forgiving'' you are able to move on with your life and not allow the other party to continue to ''hurt you''...I have had to do it with the watchtower and it is really hard...I have forgiven them for almost destroying me because now that i have forgiven them, i have been released from their evil clutches and now have the freedom to live my life as God intended... You are doing the best thing Sab...

    Peace and light

  • elderelite

    I can understand, on a personal level, the power of forgivness. Often when "forgiving" a parent we realize that they are simply doing what was done to them or treating us how they were treated. We break the cycle and forgive them without repeating the mistake.

    I do not forgive an organization that KNOWS its full of shit, as shown by its constant changes in teaching, but cries more and more that they are "spirit directed" and the ONLY true religion. H E L L no... an org that has millions of truly devoted people that they put in the line of fire over a blood doctrine that is obviously nonsense.. so many things to cite, but the answer is I would no sooner forgive the org than I would the Nazi's. They both will believe in themselves until the bitter end

  • brotherdan

    I promise, undercover. Here's the link:

    I left too many people out I got in trouble. :-)

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