Its funny that you dad feels liek that and that he mentioned the NT in particular because the JW's tend to be far more OT than NT.
But if he really believes that they fall the bible and in particular the NT, then how does he explain this:
ACTS 1: 7-8
7 He said to them, “It is not for you to knowtimesorepochswhich a the Father has fixed by His ownauthority;
8 but you will receivepower a when the HolySpirit has come upon you; and you shall be b My witnessesboth in Jerusalem, and in allJudea and c Samaria, and even to d the remotestpart of the earth.”
Jesus said that they, the apostles, are to be witness to HIM, JESUS, ie: Jesus' Witnesess.
And he also said that it is NO MAN'S place to KNOW the TIME and Eras that are fixed by God.