question for those with husbands/wives in the borg

by Evidently Apostate 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • NiceDream

    Hey undercover, my husband is similar to your wife. He's been inactive for the past few months, but he's not mentally free. He's super smart, and loves debating anything except religion. He's come a long way in a few months, so I'm hoping he'll read CoC soon.

    Love your description of the gorilla in the room, it fits perfectly!

  • eyeslice

    My wife is still very active. But, fortunately, having said that it hasn't affect our relationship.

    I don't know what it is but she very rarely tells me what has happened at the meetings and has never encouraged me to go back. She has a brother still 'in' and many in the congregation have been her friends since childhood. I don't push her about the the problems in the organisation but I do on occasions raised seriously issues with her such as problems with blood doctrine, will God destroy 7 billion people at Armagedon.


  • JustKeepLiving

    I don't have a Borg spouse, but I do have Borg parents, one of whom is an Elder. I know it isn't the same thing, but I can understand the feelings. It feels good to be free to choose one's own life, but when those close to you hate what you've chosen...

    Personally, I try to keep the conversations about doctrine low key. Problems arise however when I jab their beliefs about the world. Example of a discussion/argument: I'll challenge their claims that everyone in the world is a miserable selfish sinner. They'll get ruffled and usually say something like "Well... you're just a foolish young man who doesn't know about real life!" That's an exact quote by the way. My standard response: "How can you know what real life is like? You've never lived a normal life or been close to anyone or anything outside the truth!" Answer: We don't need to see for ourselves, we just know!" Inspiring words, no?

  • Evidently Apostate
    Evidently Apostate

    thank you all, the openess to discuss very personal issues is a big help to me and i am sure others. brotherdan and wannabefree i understand your frustration, just the word apostate will change facial expressions the ablility to listen becomes impossible and i have observed my wife trying to leave the room, it reminds me of how jws viewed the guys who used to picket DC's. I just came back from the bobble head convention,i mean kingdom hall, the circiut overseer is here, he talked to the cong like they were 7 y.olds i imagined them in a big circle on the rug drinking juice boxes. complete waste o time. i have a hard time trying not to show the contempt in my expressions. its a lonely road we walk. i do have a game plan similar to those from OTWO i also stopped discussing specific doctrine with her and hope some in the hall will attack my charicter because of my inactivity. if elders come calling at the house she will hopefully see the truth in my words with them and i am working on a strategy that will bring up my doubts and the wt flaws without answering the questions that would lead to a jc meeting and just maybe she will see the oppresive control they so lovingly administer.

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