First, thank you to St. George for the figures.
Second, guys, think this one through! All the assemblies and assembly halls live or die on cash flow, period.
Yeah, OK, there's all sorts of ego-puffery for C.O.'s and D.O.'s - and the Society itself, in releasing new garbage but it still comes down to money, money, money. Nothing else matters.
Keep in mind that the whole food service arrangement collapsed completely because of lack of contributions at assemblies. Also, they have become less generous about literature distribution at assemblies for the same reason.
The assemblies - and some assembly halls (as in Florida) are under financial pressure. It seems to me that there may be a double-barrelled attack coming on Assembly Halls . If a Hall doesn't make money, it gets dumped and sold off. If an Assembly Hall DOES make money, then there may be a powerful urge to sell it off so the Watchtower can seize the retained earnings/assets.
Oh, and what's the deal with the accounting reports on British Assembly Halls being way, way late? Is the IBSA that short of chartered accountancy?