The elders of the '80s are retiring

by truthseeker 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • flipper

    This is good to hear. Time marches on, it waits for no one. Not even elders. So hopefully they can enjoy their retirements in their 60's- but I rather doubt it. Especially since they are as Pink Floyd's David Gilmour said, " shorter of breath, and one day closer to death " in the song " Time " . And they have the sad and unfortunate feeling that all those years as an elder- they were being used by an organization to control people's lives. Not help them necessarily. I hope some of this older age group will exit the JW cult- like many young ones are doing

  • jookbeard

    how many must have died at fairly youngish ages? my old man died a faithful elder at 59 in 2005, there must have been thousands world wide who have.


    Everyone I still know,looks terrible..

    I want to buy them a Cigar and a bottle of Scotch to try and get them healthy looking..

    It worked for me..

    .......................... ...OUTLAW

  • orbison11

    Gosh Outlaw

    U are just beggin for me to go on a road trip, lol

  • Simon Morley
    Simon Morley

    I was an elder at 35, even if I did not leave I doubt I would be serving today. It just got too much - dealling with adult tattle-tales, gossipers, mal du jour wobblies, and that was just the fellow elders!!

  • WTWizard

    It is not surprising that the hounders are in lousy shape. They get next to no sleep, because someone can call them at 3 in the morning with a "masturbation problem" (which shouldn't even be an issue). They are looked at as examples to the flock, and must meet the standards as such. They also need to step in and pitch in when the other witlesses don't contribute enough to keep the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund afloat and when no one shows up to do other maintenance work at the Kingdumb Hell. They have to answer to the hounder-hounders and up, and we all know how nice they are when the field circus hours are down or they are not producing enough studies.

    And that's not all. They also must support their families. They need to put pio-sneering and Beth Hell as goals in front of their children, which means they themselves have to cut back on their own means of sustenance. This impoverishes them, while ensures their lasting stagnation. While they are wasting their time between toilet scrubbing and/or window washing, preparing boasting sessions, field circus, and researching Washtowel publications, they have zero time to use their brains. And, without the money or free time, their lives become stagnant. This is at least as bad, if not worse, than the stress.

    And, when they do have to retire (often in their early 60s for health issues), it's their children that usually have to support them. They then have to work for themselves and their aging, sick parents. All the while, the children must maintain pio-sneer hours and keep their own standard of living low to provide an example for the congregations. They usually end up in the same stagnation trap that dug their parents' graves so quickly, and they dig their own graves as quickly. You will never hear that during the Experiences at the a$$emblies.

    Meanwhile, us apostates have the time. We no longer worry about what the hounder-hounder has to say. So what if the congregation hours are around 2--all the better. Someone calls at 3 in the morning for a "masturbation problem", and that's not our problem. They tell the witlesses not to go to college, we can go anyways. We are willing to take on paying work, and enjoy it without wasting it all on field circus or the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund. We don't worry about going to the boasting sessions every week, or that we need to set a "proper example" in field circus. We no longer breathe dry cleaning fumes on a regular basis (unless we work at a place where suits are required, in which case we are paid for such work). And most of us get better sleep as apostates than we (or they) do as active witlesses.

    And that's even with some of us taking up smoking or heavy drinking. As bad as smoking is (and I do not recommend it), it can't be even half as bad as the stagnation and stress of continuing to be a witless, particularly a hounder. And no, we should not do anything to support them--especially by complying with them. That's their problem if they wish to continue worrying about your record collection.

  • Mall Cop
    Mall Cop

    In one cong. they were so in need of elders that they reinstated a disfellowedship elder who also was a manicdepressive on meds, and reappointed him to be the p.o. I wonder how many more servants are on meds as they try to get through the responsibilities assigned them.

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