How does your congregation feel about the new song book?

by stuckinamovement 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • stuckinamovement

    I stopped trying to sing the songs last meeting. It felt like a combination of chanting and stepping on a cat. It is terrible. I prayed for holy spirit to help me sing these un-singable, nonsensical songs. Guess the prayer wasn't in accordance with God's will because I still couldn't sing em right after the prayer. I stopped and listened to the congregation and collectively it sounded like a swarm of bees...that were molested!


  • brotherdan

    Hey, nice old songbook referrence SIAM!!! Love it!

    My cong has a REALLY difficult time with them. I suspect that it was the same when songs came out in the past. I usually sit in the back room, and it's torture to sing back there. Everyone just sort of mumbles because they don't want to be heard.

  • pirata

    The new songs are slowly getting better in my hall. In a couple years we'll probably be singing them well enough to open a broadway musical (which is what the new songs sound most sound like).

    The hardest ones are the existing melodies where they modified some of the measure's notes/rhythm to make it easier for new JWs to sing. It's hard to undo 20+ years of singing the song a certain way.

  • yknot

    Just another feeble attempt to ride coattails a little further ......

    This is what happens when Beta-males take the reigns and congratulate themselves on achieving what they perceive alpha male-dom!

    Yea we were excited at first but the piano accompaniment killed it pretty quickly........


    The BookBags could have written a better group of songs!...(miss them)

    Really why not keep the oldie-favorites and just make up a bunch of new ones that have some sort of relevance!

    Which ever apostate mastermind was behind this plot: kudos for keeping things boring, everybody hates them more or less and tunes into worldly stuff the minute they get in their cars (hugs and kisses to you too)

  • brotherdan

    There's one I actually kind of sort of really like. It's called "Miracle of life". Very un-kingdom song sounding.

  • elderelite

    i absolutly REFUSE to sing. Period. I used to be the loudest (and worst). Now when I'm on stage even, i litterally just stare blankly. I will not sing this dreck. I though it would grow on me but it is, (read this in a charles barkley accent) terrible. terrrible terrible terrible

    the congregation as a whole is noticably more quite. no one seems to like them. The few i have talked to try to but a nice face on it but always back to "it will just take time to get used to".

  • simon17

    The new songs are truly miserable (aside from a select few. This is the Way is a pretty nice song, maybe 1 or 2 others). I used to think the last songbook was bad, but that honestly had a few dozen songs that were either catchy or downright good. The new songbook just has so many songs that are simply not musical in any way.

    I've asked a bunch of people which songbook they prefer and I get mostly this:

    "I think i prefer... uh.... the new one. We're in Jehovah's organization and if thats the new book, then certainly there must be a reason. And I think we will certainly all grow to like the new songs more and more"

  • Judge Dread
    Judge Dread

    Usually with their hands.



    The WBT$ has JW artisits like George Benson..Prince..Larry Graham..

    Do they bother to use them,of course not..

    It might sound like music,instead of a cat in a blender..


  • life is to short
    life is to short

    I have only been to about three meetings since the new song book came out but everyone I have talked to hates them. They sound horrible and no one knows the words because they changed the ones we knew and the new songs it is like who in the world wrote them. Right on Outlaw really with ones like George Benson, Prince and Larry Graham could they have not at least tried. Even my die hard girlfriend who never say a bad word about the cult talked bad about the songs. So there you go.

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